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RE: Hey Steemit! I'm Mellisa from Brooklyn

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Welcome to Steemit @mellisaramirez. Saw your profile through the post through @paolajane. Looks like steemit will be a piece of cake for you since you come from an IT / programming background. You don't need to do any programming here, but if you start reading whitepapers, the tech language will not be an issue for you. I committed myself to reading one white paper a day to enhance my knowledge of the crypto world, but it's challenging for me. I'm getting there slowly lol


Hey! Piece of cake haha its like a whole new ball game for me. I havent looked at a piece of code in over a year its all looks kind of forgien now. I really should actively read it. Hopefully I'll get on your level, eventually.

Believe me, my level is still that of a beginner. But I'll tell you something, coming from a non-tech background, it's doable. I've been exposed to the whole crypto world, and that of Steemit, less than a month ago, but I'm learning quickly everyday. So, I'm thinking, if I can do it, you definitely can.

Well thank you for those wishful words! It means alot, sometimes its all gets overwhelming haha

You're very welcome Mellisa :)