- steem account monitoring & statistics

I really wanted a tool to exist to help me track the content I wrote, so I made one. Yesterday I wrote about a proof of concept I did for a traditional blog powered by steem. Today's proof of concept was developed so I could watch what was happening in yesterday's post.

So today I present to you, A live updating dashboard for stats important to you.

A tool to watch activity on your account
It's pretty basic and only has one feature right now: watching your posts. Well, anyone's posts really, watch whoever you want!

Here's how it works:

You use the left text area to add an account name
Hit enter
The application will start watching that account's activity
Remove them when you're done with the X button
This is another project that is less than 24 hours old. Originally I started building it to track POW mining, but got side tracked making it work for posts. So you can expect there to be a mining tab on there soon.

A thank you
Huge shout out and thanks to @xeroc, who runs for other developers to build on. SteemStats is powered by his API right now.

Call for what you'd like to see
I'm soley building this around the things I want to see right now, but I also want to know what types of things you want to track. I'll be honest, I don't know steem as well as I probably should. There are things in steem that I haven't even used yet that I'm sure would be super useful.

For example, trades. I haven't dabbled with it yet, so I don't even know what I'd want to see about my activity. Interest, calculators, there's so much data to play with.

If you've got ideas, I'd love to hear em. I enjoy building these things!


Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content.
Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.

#introduceyourself / #introducemyself

The “introduceyourself/introducemyself” tag is for creating initial, first introduction post that tells us about you. Users are encouraged to use this tag exclusively for that, and not to reuse it.

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.