Time to Introduce Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, steemites, steemsters, and anyone else 😁.
I thought it was about time I introduce myself: I am an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland majoring in public health science, minoring in public leadership on the premed track (Go women in stem and steem!).

As interesting as my major probably is, I would like to think that it is not the most important or interesting thing about me. My whole family is from Nepal. Nepal is a little country with huge mountains (the tallest mountain in the world; upvotes if you can name it). Honestly, that's how I would describe myself too: a little girl with huge dreams. A fun fact is that I am only 4' 11.5"

If you have the time here's a piece I wrote if for some crazy reason you want to get to know me better.


I, as a four year old Nepali-American girl, waddled onto stage with a daal stain still dripping down the front of my favorite giraffe printed dress. I was nowhere near tall enough to reach the mic on the podium. A big banner that read International Nepali Literary Society (INLS) shadowed the space behind me. The mission of this non-profit organization was to support writers and literature of all kinds and of all ages within the Nepali community. Thus to promote its mission, the organization constantly held youth poetry competitions and this was the first of many INLS meetings during which I would recite my poetry. My hands became slippery, but from dirt, not sweat, because this isn’t a story about a girls stage fright or overcoming a fear. This is about my willingness to get my hands dirty and break patterns.
The moment I was born, I started breaking patterns, beginning with my name. My name is Preeya, spelled with two e's and not an i. Priya is a common name in Nepal, but I would bet the amount of chai tea I consume every year in money, that you won’t find another Preeya anywhere but here. Preeya is actually supposed to be spelled Priya, but due to some “heavy” research by my very pregnant mother, I am a Preeya. She asked all the students in one of her graduate classes to read my name aloud off a scrap of paper. Her conclusion: Priya spelled Preeya was most likely to be pronounced correctly and my dad enjoyed the double "e". The result: double the choices like empowered, energetic, and extroverted to fit the many future acrostic poems I was destined to write.

Beyond my naming, I am one of the nine grandchildren of an outspoken Nepali poet, Hom Nath Subedi, who had works studied by school children in his home village. While these schoolchildren analyzed his texts with glee, my grandfather couldn’t get his own blood to acquire his passion in writing. That was until I came along and ruined the pattern my cousins had so graciously set for me. As a four year old, my five line poem did not qualify me for any medals, but it opened up a door to the world of word. Twelve years later, I have competed every year at the Annual Youth Competition for Bhanubhakta.

Also, twelve years later, I no longer waddle, but I strut onto stage in a crisp dress, and stand at 4 feet and 11.5 inches, just barely visible when behind the podium. Despite this confidence and passion for words, my poetry is limited to the ears of Nepali men with drowsy eyes behind large spectacles and chins comforted by greying beards. I am to this day pretty sure that these men attend these meetings simply to hear their own thundering voices. After their initial excitement as I approach the stage, they always begin to drift as they hear the English words of my poetry that follow my humble “Namaste” to the crowd. As a result, I always find myself walking back on stage for the sole purpose of making these ears listen to what I have to say. If I need to stand on my tippy toes to reach for the podiums mic with my messy hands, I will. Letters and words have carved my identity and poetry molds me into a shape that breaks patterns and will hopefully demand their attention.


Hey @preeintree
Welcome to another taller world of steemit.. :)
Reading your intro post i can already tell you will feel right at home.
Steemit is all about being unique and no plagiarism!
You are off to good start.!

Thanks I really appreciate you taking time to read my post! Hopefully the post wasn't too long...

not really,
i found it to be cleverly written and well balanved.. 😊

Hey and welcome to steemit, I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :)

Thanks for welcoming me into the community! I really appreciate it 👌🏽

Welcome To Steemit @preeinatree . This New House for blogger and social network platform. I will wait for your great post on your blog. Two thumbs for you and i like it so much. Keep Steeming and earn big money as a reward on each post. Good luck guy !!. Im waitin for you to come. Visit my blog I ve latest post about "Celebration Of 600+. Followers are Friends and Relatives". You can use Esteem Application in Playstore and AppStore - iOS in order to create post easily.

Thank you so much! I am so excited to share some interesting posts!

You are welcome @preeinatree.. I believe that u can be great steemian on this platform. This is high motivation for me to do my best in the articles postings. Let's we share some useful information by blogging. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Congratulations @preeinatree!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

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Wow great first post. Welcome to Steemit and if this is anything to go by you will do great. Followed & Resteemed

Aw thanks that means a ton! Can't wait for your upcoming posts as well!

Cool 👌

A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you Preeinatree!

Upvoted and High Pawed! :-D


haha the pups paw made me smile, thanks a ton!

I'm glad, my pleasure! :-D

Welcome to Steem @preeinatree I have sent you a tip

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Thank you so much!!

Welcome to Steemit @preeinatree :)

Welcome Bot Banner

Make sure to participate in this weeks giveaway to get known in the community!

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

My fellow steemian, I am excited to welcome you on steemit community where you can meet talented people from all over the world.

I'm extremely excited to be a part of it. Without the connection that social media provides, we would have no use for it!

You are on point 💯

welcome here , upvote

Thanks @diya28 I saw you're interested in poetry, nature and food on your profile so I can't wait for some interesting posts from you! Hopefully you will like my upcoming spoken work poetry videos I will be posting!

sure, em expecting the same from your side

Nice to meet you! Welcome to steemit ;)

Thank you! 😋 You too!

Welcome to this incredible platform,
Excellent writing style. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your poems.
Hope you enjoy this place as much as I do. It's not difficult to get started. A little effort will truly go a long way, engagement is key.
Good luck ! You can follow my blog @wannerbet - I'm doing a 100K trading challenge starting very soon !
A great way to start is by Following ,Upvoting & Resteeming people and they will do the same for you.

Thanks for the tip! I'm very excited to share my poems with this community!

Welcome to Steemit :)

Thank you! 😌

Welcome, I hope you enjoy here :) upvoted and followed

Thank you! I love dogs... Hope to see pictures of your pup soon!

Hey! Welcome to the Steemit Community! I wish you a great time on the platform, hope you'll make many friends and I can't wait to see your content. I have followed your blog, you can check mine as well and if you like my content don't forget to drop a follow. Have a nice day & Steem on!

Same to you... Love the interesting shots in Romania- just beautiful!

@preeinatree ohhh ho nepali chori me too nepali anyways welcome to this wonder world of steemit follow everyone if u wana get followed follow me i will follow u

🙏🏽 Thank you and I followed you- can't wait for some interesting posts!

Yeah me too just let me reach my home first are u in fb or somewhere

Hi @preeinatree, welcome to Steemit. i like to learn more about Nepal and I hope that you will post about it. I write poetry too. Do chase your dreams and I wish you success at Steemit. Hope this will help.

Thank you so so much... I am really enjoying your blog posts as I am a definite optimist myself. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy my positive poetry! 😊

I am happy you like my post. Do follow for more

Hello @Preeinatree! Welcome to the community. I believe it's wonderful that you're a writer. I enjoyed the story of how you got your name. Look forward to more of your work on here. Sounds like you were made for the stage! Have a great day. xo - @Tiffy

Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to read the lengthy post! I am really enjoying your blog as well!

 Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same. 

 CHECK >>>TIPS-MY FIRST WEEK ON STEEMIT- https://steemit.com/steemit/@tinashe/tips-my-first-week-on-steemit
*Thank you*

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate the tips!

Welcome to Steemit. I wish you great success. I am now following your Steemit Blog -

Thank you so much I followed back excited to share some poetry!

Welcome to Steemit @preeinatree I look forward to learning about your life and your love for poetry

Thank you so much I am so excited to share it with everyone 😊

Welcome to Steemit, if you like music here is my track on Spotify

Please follow back greetings Dibaco

Haha great thanks! I love music I am actually listening to the Spotify playlist you sent right now!

Thanks hope you like it. I also post every month a 1 hour mix which you can listen on SoundCloud. The mix of June 2017 I posted 5 minutes ago.
We keep on steeming,
Greetings Dibaco

Welcome to steemit ! Hope you enjoy being here as much as I do. Stay active, post quality content and you will succeed :)

Welcome To Steemit ^_^

Thank you so much! Excited to share some poetry soon!

Welcome to Steemit! Nice story, hope you'll meet other interesting people as yourself, I'll follow you to read some of your poems :)

Thanks a ton, I really appreciate it and hope you'll enjoy what I have to share!

Welcome to the community, Preeya! Have fun here! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Welcome On Steem

Hey .. @preeinatree

I would Like to apprecite the effort your doing ... Your showing us valuable content and also to the community . I really love the way your doing effort..

You made really great post for the community and I am very much intrested in your post and I hope that You will share valuable content in future too . Your Love and effort really apprecited by me @sophiaolive

I suggest you to please visit my blog . I published an into article you can check that article for my introduction ...

Here is the Link Of Intro

Your Comment , Upvote and Resteem my post will be really apprecited

Regards Sophia Olive
