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RE: Why purchasing Steem Power and Steem Dollars matters? [Beginners Guide]

spend to make ? Thats crazy talk ! Like snorting a tablespoon of water . Haaa !! Nice post , I'm just a plankton but I'm also a Production Foremen in the Cabinet and Furniture industry for over 30 years . One thing I see is the "Bandwidth " is like product give me a stack of product I'll turn it into profit . If you have product and don't use it up you have excess or waste . In production waste is accounted for to a point that it is profitable i.e. off-fall.
With Steem it's a bucket brigade pulling from same pond driving a water wheel the harder we drive / move material the harder the wheel turns the more juice it pumps and we want the juice . So turn the wheel with bandwidth , what I'm just a little rustynut . upvoted resteemed and followed.