Hello, Steemit!

Hello! I am Sasha:)
Now I want to tell you my story. In my opinion the most usual, about a simple girl from Russia.

Since childhood, my feature was the love for drawing! I painted everywhere on the furniture, on the walls, on the windowsill, and even under his pillow :)) Now everything is much more serious, and love to be creative is getting stronger!

I've always been a good, modest and obedient girl. But, at one point, I wanted to express special.
My opposition of all was that it would be unlike the others think and do not look like ordinary people. But we have such "unusual" was a lot, so be special did not happen, I realized already then :)))
My appearance and behavior upset my friends and especially parents! ...

At that time I captured a photo session. At first it was just self-indulgence, self-portraits and everything that came to hand. It seemed to me that everything I see is so beautiful and it definitely needed to capture.

As time went on, everything changed. Adulthood is time - consuming. And creation it was slowly away into the background. I no longer see the beauty of the world around me. Everything was gray and ordinary. I ceased to be special for myself.

But the work I was cool :) I'm a designer, worked in the salon of Italian furniture.

Now, I understand how important it is to engage those that will bring peace to your soul! I again draw. I again "SEE" beautiful frame and then I press on the camera button. Life began to fill with new colors!)

Smile no matter what! Believe in yourself! Rejoice yourself things you love and never give up! :)


Welcome to steemit, @sashalively! :)
Great pix!

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So glad you have found the beauty through the lens again @sashalively life is too short to lose touch with our childhood dreams.

Thank you)! With age, more and more you begin to understand how important it is!)

Beautiful post. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you!)

Great Job!

Thank you!)) I tried to)

Welcome to steemit ! what does that tattoo on your back say with the crown ?

Underneath the words "strive for victory", means to me to never give up!))

матрешки угарные получились)

Спасибо! )) Теперь рисую не только персонажей из фильмов)

Hello from Kyiv @sashalively , that our countries may live in peace soon!

Привет!!) Я в детстве жила в Украине! Сейчас там мой папа! Очень хочется мира между нашими странами!

hi @sashalively, you are indeed lively and alive but i have questions, may i please ask, how do you post into a category. for instance, your post is under #introduceyourself, how do i post in a genre when i want to post. too, how do i include photos into my post or blog. when i click on the photo icon, it asks for a link to a photo instead of an option to upload photos. your boy terry!

Hi)) add photos to your blog is easy. The main thing that it was posted on the Internet, such as social networking or Yandex. Right click on the picture and choose - to copy the address of the image on insert into your message and preview it should appear.

oh gotcha, thank you alot. there was kindness in ur act of answering and you know i am as new as you upon here, i would say. i should an intro. i dont know how to function well yet upon here.

Always happy to help! I'm very new here and I do not understand much)

Great introduction Sasha!!!! Thanks for sharing your story. Welcome! oc

thanks !!) did not expect that there will be such a response! I will try to write you more interessno article)

Очень классно! Поздравляю с регистрацией на стеемит и желаю успехов)))

оу, спасибо!!!! Тебе спасибо!)

Wow. Your work is beautiful. Welcome to Steemit:)

Thank you, I am pleased)

Nice!...You're beautiful, gifted and talented....

Welcome to Steemit. Nice photography. I agree...never give up!

Beautiful art my friend. Glad you're here

Одно из лучших представлений на Cтиме, которые я встречал. Классные фото и история ;) Welcome!

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