Introduce myself- My Journey from an Accountant to an Hiver

Hi to all dear friends from hive. I am new here please welcome me. My name is Syed Shah. I am from Pakistan the city named called Mansehra which is situated in the northern areas. The places are beautiful and best for tourism. I had done my Masters in Commerce from Government College of COmmerce and Management Sciences Mansehra in year 2016 in specialization with Finance. After completing my masters degree I did the training for banker. After 3 months training as a banker in March 2018 I find job in HIgher Education Department and doing work in Government Degree College Darband. Thats my introduction nothing more.
Thanks alot to all dearest friends.


Welcome to HIVE blockchain. I'm glad you already know enough to get your account and create your Introduce Yourself post. Keep learning how to succeed most easily here by watching the following 3 lessons in the HIVE Getting Started Tutorial. Here is lesson 2 on getting more support on the platform and lesson 3 on working with money on the platform. Good luck! And please share the tutorials with those you invite to HIVE so that they have an easier start here.