Why I am PUMPED to Crush-it with Steem-It?!

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Thank you for taking the time to click and read this Introductory blog post from me, Suppoman! If you like what you hear or if it inspires you in any way, would you please upvote it and let me know what you think in the comments, and also please be sure to say hi, so that I can personally respond to you!

So what is the astonishing story of how I came to find Steemit?

I am grateful to be teaching and entertaining over 600,000 people online, and on the side I am a Cryptocurrency investor! I came across Steem whilst researching Alt Coins on Poloniex. On my YouTube channel, where I run the 'Hero Podcast' - a relatively popular vlogcast about Cryptocurrency, people were asking "What do you think of Steem?" and "Do you think Steem has good long-term potential?". I personally had no answer at the time, and was mainly interested in Digibyte as it ties quite nicely with Minecraft - one of the biggest games in history. "Minecraft?" I hear you say... "What's a grown man doing being interested in Minecraft?". Well I have another YouTube channel with over 140,000+ subscribers that revolves completely around Minecraft!

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So Digibyte seemed a natural choice to invest all my Bitcoin in... that was until I started looking into Steem. I went to Steemit.com and was instantly gobsmacked! I have used Reddit for over 4 years, and I thought "Steemit looks like a better looking Reddit". Then I started seeing that people were actually paid to post content! That was amazing...!

Then BOOM! I realised I had a greater affinity with Steem than Digibyte. As I teach how Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat on Udemy.com, I felt Steem married my passion for Social Networking with my love from Cryptocurrency in one nice little package.

These events seemed to also coincide with my friend @JerryBanfield joining Steemit at around the same time and invested a thousands of Bitcoin into Steem whilst being active in the community. As a person that has taken huge leaps of faith so far when working online, it seemed like some force (destiny or fate) was telling me to put my Bitcoins into Steem. So I have. And as an added bonus, I am now within the community!

I have over 600,000 followers online, and I want Steemit to be my new home for content and a place where some of my followers can see more of my content (and hopefully yours!).

If you want to see what I am doing online, you might be interested in checking out the following channels.


So why am I super-pumped to be Steemit and what do I see as the future?

a) I see Steemit as a revolutionary Social Networking platform! Having produced content for most of the top 10 social networks, there isn't a platform that rewards a user quite as generously as Steemit without much of a following. It reminds me of Dooyoo.com and Ciao.com years ago where they paid you to review products and services online, and I loved that. It took 2 years of hard work to build my YouTube channel to a position where I made decent money! @JerryBanfield has proved you can make as much as $2000 with just 4 blog posts!

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This is golden! There are millions of people looking to make money online, monetising their blogs and content and currently not making enough to leave full-time employment. That opportunity exists on Steemit.com! This is one reason why Steem could grow massively, and also hike the price of Steem coins to well about the current 90 cents.

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b) The community - from what I have experienced so far on Steemit, you guys are active and helping making this a platform you want to be on. Sometimes that first post can be the make or break. If you get a bad reaction, BAM!, you want to leave. But so far, I have received nice comments and upvotes... so this will make new users also stick to Steemit.

c) It's upsurge in popularity as a website - Steemit has rocketed to nearly inside the top 10,000 websites according to Alexa in the last 3 months, and in the top 4000 US websites.

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Considering Reddit is the 4th most popular website in the US, and number 8 on the planet, Steemit's certain similarities and monetisation features make it likely to surge much much higher in a short space of time!

I won't bore you with too much more... but BOY am I happy to be here! And I am looking forward to promoting Steemit heavily over the coming months and years, like I did in this post yesterday.

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So thank you for welcoming me nicely into the community. I hope this blog has in some way inspired or motivated you and I'd love to respond to each and every comment I get here, if you'd be so kind as to say "Hello" :)

Lots of love,


Now, Your Superhero on Steemit!

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when you buy steem power.... then I will... :)

lol @craig-grant

Welcome to your new home @suppoman

Great to have you here cheers

What happened to the promo of Steemit? Could've made a fair amount

Awesome post! I really appreciate the mention... :)

no problem :)

@suppoman LOVE YOUR INTRO POST and now I know you are pumped too after seeing how much it is earning!

Hey @jerrybanfield, I am delighted you read my post! Your engagement with Steemit.com has inspired me to get this far with it, and I hope to continue. I am not much of a blogger... I am more of a Vlogger, but I am encouraged by the amazing monetisation so far that I can develop these skills and come more frequent with Blogging! Thanks again for your comment... :)

thank you, iv followed you on youtube for a while and now found you on steemit and also just followed you back on facebook and did your traning course Udemy thanks again Karl @suppoman keep up the good work

great content Suppoman!

Hi Bazihassan, and thanks for the compliment... hope you enjoy what's coming!

huge support so glad to have you hear, have seen some of your youtube videos and great stuff. you will be a nice addition in early days of steemit. huge ups to you and anytime you need orginal music (every genre you can think of) be sure to hit me up on here @soundlegion lots of original free for content use music for creators and music lovers.. huge ups

Hi soundlegion, I saw your message on YouTube - well done on your excellent progress on here so far! Thanks for the very warm welcome... :)

you are so welcome my friend. you are gonna do so well here on steemit, even better than you think... prepare to be blown back at how much your content is worth. so deserved much love

Awesome post ! I heard about you on @elyaque post , and also watched your utube video there ! Very upbeat , I loved it , with great info. ! Im saving for my retirement fund , but did power some down for expenses which have mounted since being laid off back in February , but im still saving as much as possible , to build my retirement home on a small piece of property I own in the country ! So im really hoping the price goes back up to at least 4.00 dollars like it was when I started here 10 months ago .
It would be so awesome to build and retire early , that's my Steemit dream !! Best of luck to you , im now a follower , upped and resteemed !👍👍👍

Hi Karen, thank you for your words of encouragement! I will be looking to continue promoting Steem on my YouTube channel and hopefully assist with driving the price up... I have noticed some good upward movement in the last 24 hours so let's hope it continues! :)

yes its looking good right now !! I sure hope it continues , or at least stays over 1.00 mark !! Steem on !👍👍👍

Hello and Welcome to Steemit.

Thank you very much :)

Welcome to Steemit. Awesome to see some influencers over here!

Thank you! I hope to keep my content coming for you guys... :)

Welcome! =D

Cool to have you here :) I was watching some videos on YT recently. I like your british (?) accent.
Welcome ☮

Welcome to steemit @suppoman ! You're going to love it here. I've gone ahead and followed you and would greatly appreciate a follow back! Thanks.

Done! And thank you very much for the warm welcome :)

Awesome, glad to have you, just shot you a follow! Love your content btw!

Followed back! Thanks for the compliments! :)

Thanks brother!

Welcome aboard MATE!! PIP PIP CHERIO!!

Its been a month you gonna post again soon? :)

Welcome to steemit @suppoman ! Same here, I learned of steemit because I got interested in Steem as a currency first, and I was actually looking for a wallet for it. Imagine my amzement when I saw the rewards given for quality content! Always happy to hear news of bloggers/vbloggers such as yourself actually joining the community, as I am confident that your massive followers respect your views, hence are more likely to join the community, too.

Looking forward to seeing more of you in the community! =^_^=

Thank you Dreamiely, same here! And I will be looking to produce more Steem videos over the coming months :)

welcome. I'm a youtube follower. Cheers to success of Steemit!

Thanks for the response Saisei, I appreciate you being onboard!

just watched your video glad your on board to offer opinions on Steem from our side of the pond, upped and followed.

Thank you for your welcome message newsdesk, just followed you back...

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Excellent, thanks! :)

that is amazing!!! i love your channel man! keep going like that!!!

Howdy and welcome to Steemit!

Following - because everyone needs a hero!

HAHAHA... brilliant! Thanks for your comment and post!

Hello, and nice intro post. Your background regarding Minecraft and Digibytes got me thinking about one version of the future in which we come to identify ourselves more on terms of which digital currency network we choose to invest in instead of things like nationality, race, religion, etc. What a time to live in!

Hi Mayon! Haha, perhaps so... goodness knows what impact the Crypto game have on our lives in a year, let alone the future.

Howdy @suppoman!

Hi Bitcoinsky, and thanks for the welcome!

Enjoyed your content on youtube. Glad you joined steem, followed and upvoted you, hope you follow back.

Done and done mate, thank you very much!

Great analysis! By the way there was an information that they will enable also uploading videos directly to steemit. So when it is ready you will be able to uploads yours here.

Great introduction and Welcome to the world of Steemit. It's a pleasure to have you here @suppoman. I'll be sure to Upvote and Follow your journey.

Thanks very much! I appreciate the welcome message :)

Welcome to Steemit! You will fit in just fine! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks Bart, I'm enjoying it so far and feel right at home :)

Welcome to the Steem blockchain! If youTube content creators can bring a portion of your following to Steemit, it will have a incredible impact on the platform and therefore the STEEM price. We currently only average ~ 15,000 active users a week, help us grow that!

Thanks Leong, I will be looking to bring as many of my viewers to Steem as possible!

Welcome to Steemit! You will crush it here... Coming from one of your youtube followers

Ill resteem this to get your name out ther.. Great post

Thank you very much, and I am glad you follow me on YouTube. I hope to convert some of my vlog/podcast episodes into actual Blogs so watch this space. But thank you for your uplifting words!

Hi @Suppoman, I find your post so motivating! Thanks :)

Thank you for your warm welcome! Followed you! :)

Thank you, following you too !

@suppoman hey! Ty, because of you, I know about steemit . I'm your youtube sub :) and now also a steemit sub! Great post btw ! ciao

Hi mate, I am glad you've joined the community! I hope you love it here and I have followed you to make sure I keep abreast of your posts!

Finally my hero is here:) It's freaking awsome! Okey brotha, see you around!

This is just to Thank You @suppoman. I came across your videos on Youtube recently and one of them introduced me to Steemit. I immediately signed up and here I am commenting and following you with an account that is just 5 minutes old :)

Hi mate, I am glad that you've joined! I've followed and hope you enjoy your time here!

Suppo, you definately are The Man! I even mentioned you in my post. Thanks for the video's on Youtube man. You have great ability to make them interesting too. Full on in crypto now.

Hi mate, thanks for your awesome post! I am chuffed you are here and I am glad to be one of your followers!

Hey Suppoman. Welcome to steemit..Love your youtube vids.Hope to see your content here..BTW u wer right on blitzcash..

Hi mate, thanks for commenting! Yes, I am loving Blitzcash atm, and also Stratis... they seem to be pulling each other up!

would appreciate if u could folllow me

Dude ! Your going to do great here, no stranger to all you need, and a huge following already
Get settled in and start bringing them on board :-)
Life is Good
PLEASE click this line for my WELCOME MESSAGE

Thanks for your comment mate, I appreciate the motivational sentiment here!

Really awesome post! Welcome to steemit!


Thanks Clayford! I appreciate it!

Ahh awesome! Welcome. You're gonna love it here.

Hey Condra, thanks for the warm welcome! :)

killed it.gif

Welcome to steemit @suppoman. That's a great into post and i'm sure you'll crush it :)

Hi mate & thanks, I appreciate your comments!

What a wonderful, professional introduction suppoman Welcome to Steemit. You will definitely fit in perfectly and I look forward to your insights in your future posts. Steem on!

Thank you sunscape... I appreciate the compliments and your warm welcome!

Hi & welcome on Steem - great videos! cheers
Not sure if the STEEM course will rise with the users - it has already good value per post (as you said compared to youtube). Wrote about this here: https://steemit.com/altcoin/@thomasheindl/2-things-to-consider-when-investing-in-altcoins

Thanks Thomas, I've followed you so I can see what you share...

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Hello "Suppoman" just joined Steem after I saw your video. Great site, Thank You for posting the advice on YouTube.

Started following you on youtube and i love your crazy enthusiasm also you have helped me a great deal in learning new techniques to trade more efficiently.

I took you online course. I am sold on steemit. Thank you for all you do!

@suppoman I really enjoy your videos! I registered because of your videos... and I am finally on Steemit! Thanks!

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