Update for my fellow plankton

Day 10 - Reflections and Insights

I began this adventure 10 short days ago, not knowing what to expect. I had many questions. How does this work? Whats an upvote? How about delegation and bots? I have a better understanding now, but still learning. I do have some insights and learning to share, that I had to stumble on, all that I am sharing is already available within the ecosystem of steemit, but it has taken me this long to locate these pearls of wisdom. So I share with the hope it helps someone else on their journey.

  1. Look at the followers of posters or those contributing replies to others posts to discover people to follow as well as content which resonates with your expectations of steemit.
  2. Make sure to include tags if you want to help others find your content in the ocean of content. Also know the tags only seem to find content that is less than 7 days old, so not very helpful in finding that post from 2 weeks ago. To be honest, I am still trying to sort out how to categorize and locate content of interest, which goes back to point 1. I have found most of the content and individual blogs I would like to follow through looking at others blogs in the context of a good post or reply.
  3. Patience, I just recently recieved my first reward! It takes seven days from the post to see this, so expect a delay when you first start getting those upvotes.
  4. It takes STEEM, to get STEEM - so post and reply often. I am considering purchasing STEEM outright to give myself a little kick start, still pondering this. I am sure one can curate and cultivate STEEM in time, but do I have the patience?

Hello, @synergysteem,

I just got here as well. I've made some posts about what I have learned so far, if you want to check them out.

I'm also working to figure out curation. There are many posts, and it takes time to sort through them looking for good content. I have found a few gems in the process, but I need to get smarter and faster at how I do this.

I also have been wondering about how to easily find older content, other than via google search like this one I did as a test 'steemit: woodworking'

@phaazer1 [SquareLink]

If you can Dream it, you can Steem it.

Thanks for the reply. I checked out your blog and am a new follower. I like woodworking as well, a bonus. Look forward to future posts and engagement my fellow Steemian.

Re point 4: I'm considering doing the same... I've had quite a bit of success on Facebook and YouTube etc., and it's pretty disheartening not receiving the same on Steemit. Like you say, I'm sure it will get better in time... "but do I have the patience"?

P.S. If you do decide to buy STEEM, how much do you think would be enough to get the ball rolling nicely?