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RE: Hey Steemit! I'm Mellisa from Brooklyn

It’s great to see another family here on Steemit! Welcome! Looking forward to keeping up with you all, it’s always inspiring seeing what other families get up to, you guys look happy and that’s the most important part of it! How old is Gerson? Such a cool name, our daughter Willow is 12 1/2 months!


Yes it is so good to see other families. I wasnt sure what to expect joining, I thought I'd be the only non hedgefund genuis on here 😅
Thanks! Its the only boy name I really loved, hes going to be 11 months soon. Ive always loved the name Willow btw.

Same here, I was totally clueless to this platform when I joined, but it gets better! It’ll be great to keep up with you and your family, I’m working on some more content for my family life so hopefully that’ll be on the way soon. That’s awesome, any plans for the big first birthday? We just celebrated Willows right before Christmas, it’s an emotional time for sure!