
Hi Everyone, I'm tootsweet17 - at least for now - and this is my first post which I don't want to get to excited about. The thing is, from what I've seen so far, this site seems too good to be true, and if that's the way it seems (almost an anagram ) then it usually is. How I wish we lived in a world where that was the exception rather than the rule.
Time set, meets it, i test me, site em. I can't help it - why steemit?
So tootsweet, right now (although that wasn't what I was thinking of when I first came up with that one) it's not so much that the world's losing the plot, but more that that there isn't one to speak of.. I think we are living in an age of consequences, and it is going to be a real challenge to convince the conscious collective that a lot of traditional perceived notions and beliefs need to be unlearned if we are going to redefine this (not so) new millennium.
Anyway, I should get off my soap box and see if I will actually have a post up there with all the rest of you. Fingers crossed.



Welcome to steemit @tootsweet17 upvote :)

Nice to meet you @tootsweet17🙃
Welcome to Steemit!
Try to get a profile picture!
Take one from Instagram using my post:

Where else can we find a sense of community that is fairly international, welcome to our community and hope it either lives up to your expectations or you change it (and you) so it does.

welcome here, have fun on this great community :-)

Thanks Anouk!

Welcome to Steemit tootsweet.

I know how you're feeling re: the too good to be true conundrum. I'm also very new to it all and had similar feelings.

So far I've been really pleasantly surprised by it all! I'm certainly not expecting to make much in terms of dollars and cents, but the community, the interesting things I've learned, and most importantly the pleasure I've taken from writing about things that interest me has been immense. I definitely caught the bug :)

I hope you have a similar positive experience in your first few days, and stay with us for the long term. Any ideas on what you'd like to blog about ?

Sure, I have a lot actually and I just haven't found the right platform. Still, I really wish I understood the way it works. Have you got a wallet for example? And what about your profile - was it easy to set up? I will look up your blog. I'm into a really broad sprectrum of topics and never know what will pique my interest from one day to the next - or what life decides to throw my way!

I hope this doesn't sound condescending, but the FAQ section was a huge help to me, very in depth. There are also lots of posts on Steemit, about Steemit, which help if you're ever stuck.

The profile is very easy to setup yep, simply choose your profile picture and pop the URL into the box on your 'settings' section, the description is similarly easy, just a little blurb about all things you :)

Your account essentially is your wallet, it's all built in. Your rewards are credited seven days after you earn them i believe, and you have the option of choosing 50/50 (Steem power / Steem dollars) or 100% Steem power. The advice I've had is that 50/50 is better, as the Steem dollar is strong right now.

It's lots to get your head around for sure (I'm just getting a grip myself) but at the heart of it I guess it's just writing about what you love, and reading about the various things that as you say, pique your interest.

Thanks for checking it out! I mainly write about psychological bits and bobs, I'm not a writer so it's a work in progress. Give me a shout if you ever need a hand with anything, happy to help

You're a sweetheart Callum.

My pleasure, happy to help :)

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Please bookmark Steem BluePaper and Steem Whitepaper and don't miss reading when you have time.
All the Best!!!

Thanks - i appreciate it.

Welcome to the community.. enjoy your presence here 👍🏻

Welcome to Steemit. I hope it is good for you. Invite some friends and build the community

hello and welcome @tootsweet17~~

Hey! Welcome to Steemit is a really nice platform, you gonna love it and you gonna want to post every minute... hehehe trust me!

Welcome To Steemit! You are really going to like it here. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work to build success by helping each other out. The best way to grow is to build Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

I encourage you to take the time to search for other posts that interest you and upvote them. Also, start following authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Follow Me! Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following!

This is a great place to network with other people from all over the world. If you continually post great content you will grow a following in no time and start making some nice author rewards.

Best Of Luck!

Thanks so much for taking the time to offer your support. It means a lot to me. I would really like to find a place to write where I feel comfortable - and this seems to be that place - but why does it have to be so difficult. I can't even figure out how to set up my profile or cover picture. Never mind the subject of steem and steem power. I don't mean to whinge, but surely it could be a bit more user-friendly? 4notions.jpg