Aussie Drummer Girl and Travel-holic : Seeking Some STEEMIT Communal Love!


Hi everyone!

What an amazing place - it's exciting to be here on Steemit and I look forward to getting to know the community as I bumble my way around here learning the ropes. I swear I'll try not to knock anything over or break stuff, but I can't swear NOT to swear too much... 😉

Aiming to keep it a bit short and sweet for my intro - I'm Mel, an Australian gal (so my greeting really should have been "G'DAY!") and I love travel, music, art, history, animals, social and community causes, entrepreneurship, fun times and family.

I've been playing drums in bands for almost 30 years, definitely still a rock-chick at heart and had a dream come true last year in New 🗽York when I met my drumming idol Tico Torres and Bon Jovi!! 😍 And I didn't even squeal or cry - I was like a real grown up fan-girl! 🎵


Much of my writing will be around my travels, as I've visited 35 countries over the years and have some interesting stories I'd love to share - hopefully they'll offer some helpful tips, cool pics, or at least let people laugh their arses off at my expense!


I'm also passionate about human rights and education, breaking the poverty cycle and preventing human trafficking, especially for women and children...
Slavery is still a massive problem that should NOT exist in the world now. It will be interesting to see how crypto-evolution shapes new economies in future.

If there is anything else you would like to know about me, my travels or other experiences then don't hesitate to ask the question - let it rip Maaaaate!
I will leave you now with a pic of another great love in my life - my furbaby Sem! 💓 Cheers



Hello & Welcome to Steemit Mel,
cool photo from egypt :)

I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you !

I would just start following and talk to the people here first, with the time
i am sure the trend is going up with you !

bienvenida, willkommen and velkommen

Good Luck & Cheers

Thanks for the warm welcome @digital-gypsy & yes Egypt was on my bucket list for many years - as was meeting Bon Jovi! 💓 👌

Bon Jovi is cool :)

Sorry for late reply - i was very exhausted
The reason why, you will find in my new Post:

..How I made 1200 USD+ in my FIRST WEEK...

If you like my post, please RESTEEM !
Thanks for your reply ! Very appreciated !

Welcome to Steemit @travelswithmel :)

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Welcome to Steemit! :)

Thanks, great to be here!

Welcome to Steem @travelswithmel I have sent you a tip

Thanks - Love that bot name! 😆 👍

Welcome to Team Australia Mel.

Cheers! Great to be here & part of @teamaustralia! 💓

Wow nice pictures love it! Welcome to steemit, im into art and traveling uovoted and followed hope you follow me too

Thank you @errymil, following & enjoying seeing your posts too! 😊

Appreciate it see your post soon

Hey Mel... I hope you enjoy it here at Steemit as much as I am. I also love to travel and all my posts just now are about travel would be great to connect!! Upvoted you Steem On ;)!!

Cheers @laurenkavanagh, you have some great posts & I look forward to seeing more - I need to get writing on my own travels! 😊 I loved traveling in your homeland of Scotland several years ago too 💓

G-day mate! Haha, just kidding :) Welcome to Steemit! It's an amazing place and I hope you enjoy your time here. Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Thank you @devi1714 - love your photos too mate, following for more!

Hi Mel. Welcome on board - I am looking forward to seeing/hearing about your travels. Theres so much out there on this planet

Hi there @strapped, thanks for the welcome! 😊

I've Upvoted for sure. happy to meet you in this big family.
looking forward to your next post.
You can follow my food blog to know more about me @fatkid

Cheers @fatkid, great to be here & following your stories too! 😊

You are cordially welcome to the steemit community where you'll connect with many amazing people from all round the world.
Please feel free to check out and follow @GLOBALFOODBOOK for amazing recipes.

Thanks very much @globalfoodbook, I'll be following your recipe ideas, cheers!

You are welcome. All the best.