The arrival of TRENDYSWEET to this beautiful community (My Presentation).

Hello everyone! Maybe they wonder who I am?

Well ... My name is Valentina Belisario, 17 years old, from Caracas-Venezuela, Student of Industrial Relations.

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As mentioned above, I am currently a student of Industrial Relations, I have done different courses such as modeling, English courses and acting. The course of action was so good that I even won at a film festival in my country (FILA), nominated for best children's performance.



I have the blessing and luck to have such a wonderful and beautiful boyfriend, as it is: @musicayfarandula.


I have certain tastes such as music, dancing, eating out, traveling, sharing with my family and friends.

Even my boyfriend and I, have the habit of going out every Wednesday to a national park that we have located in our beautiful city of Caracas; We visited the national park (El Ávila), where we disconnected from the city for a few hours a day, where we can enjoy the wonderful mountain weather, very cold indeed, their good food, their sweets as are the popular "Strawberries With Chantilly Cream and hot chocolate ", we also appreciate the wonderful landscape that can be seen of the city of Caracas, as well as the sea view; Sometimes the sea does not look very good as there is always fog and the sea has a mantle of pure clouds.




I met Steemit thanks to my boyfriend @musicayfarandula since he has talked so much to me and explained to me this new means of earning money as cryptocurrencies are, thanks to him I knew this social network so good and of great interest to me. Where I can do something that I like as much as it is to write, write about relevant topics such as fashion, makeup, tips, beauty tutorials, among others.




And why is it relevant or so important?

The influence of fashion plays a very important role in society, since fashion is not only clothing brands, or is about a specific designer; No, fashion is sometimes part of our cultures, our society, but fashion often allows us to define our style or give us the tools so that we ourselves are the ones who choose our style or ways of dressing ... Many people think that Fashion is just a hobby or something superficial. And it turns out that it is not like that, because fashion is reflected through ourselves, because we are the ones who decide how to dress and thus express the art of fashion.



In the same way skin care is a very important issue since, sometimes, many people spend or invest very high sums of money in looking for creams and treatments to improve the skin and sometimes they do not realize that the creams or certain treatments are not as important as "Water" is, water is the most basic and necessary compound for the skin to be perfect; the water makes the skin look so healthy and hydrated. Water has so many nutrients that we can prevent spots, aging and wrinkles.



In conclusion, I hope to continue reading and enjoy my content, which will be done with much effort and dedication for your enjoyment and appreciation as it is a very important content in our lives. Since it is always good to know what are the ways to take care of ourselves and see each other well!

Photos taken by me, with my iPhone 6 ​​phone.

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Bienvenida a la plataforma y comunidad. Me emociona ver que Venezolanos siguen entrando en estas redes.

Espero tengas buenas experiencias aquí.

Con originalidad, esfuerzo y dedicación te irá muy bien.

Saludos ;)

Holaaaaa @jorlenbolivar!!

Gracias por tus buenos deseos, y sí, yo también estoy super emocionada de estar en esta comunidad!!

Gracias por tus buenos deseos, espero sigamos leyéndonos, te sigo.

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you have much success here on the forum.

Gracias alexis por tus buenos deseos!!

Welcome to steemit, Valentina :)

Gracias, estoy emocionada de estar bienvenida en esta comunidad!!

Good news for you i'll share every week post reward with my post blog reader, for receieving fast upvote reward., fallow upovte and write comment on post,, these three step will give you best weekly reward instant to your sbd wallet from @yousafharoonkhan and welcome to steemit enjoy ..

Graciaas!! gracias en verdad por tu consejo.. lo tendré en cuenta!!

Welcome to steemit,
have fun with your hobby.

Regards @komenk81

Holaaa @komenk81 !

gracias por leer mi post, y si, jajajaja eso haré.

Saludos desde Venezuela.

Welcome aboard :)

Hello there, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I love your photos.

aww, wonderful couple! ❤ Welcome to Steemit!

Ainns gracias!

Saludos desde Venezuela, espero seguir leyéndonos, te sigo.

Welcome to Steemit trendysweet. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! Welcome to the blockchain

Hello... Welcome to the steemit community... Enjoy your stay!

Holaaaaa!! gracias por tus buenos deseos!

Saludos desde Venezuela.