
I am so happy that you are here, viktoriyani! Wish you a great journey here in this wonderful community :) Be Happy

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link

thanks, good luck to you too and have a great day :)

You are very beautiful my friend.
Take Care.
I like you.

thanks, have a beautiful day my friend :)

Many thanks.

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

I have loved @steepshot since day 1 of its existence. I just think it is easier than long form blog posting and that is what will appeal to new members. They can document their lives like the do on instagram yet monetize at the same time. It's a no brainer. I've signed up dozens of new members just by showing them steepshot on my phone. I think you are really going to enjoy using it.

yeah it all sounds awesome, have a great day!

You are more beautiful than your introduction

Thank you very much, greetings to you!

Steepshot is excellent. A great way of increasing content and reward with a simple action. If you have a visual story to tell it is perfect and your not expected to write a novel either.

Only issue I have is when I try and upload multiple pics in one post, it seems to struggle.
In my last steepshot post here I had 2 other pictures to add but had to settle with one which sort of failed to tell the story is was trying to get across.
I suppose I could of created a post but that would only of took away the beauty of steepshot.

Hope you enjoy and KEEP STEEMING

yeah seems like a great idea and I think since it's a new app it's in the process of growing so I'm sure in the future it will work even better, good luck to you and enjoy your day 🍀

WoW! You have got the beautiful eyes! They truly deserve an upvote :D

oh how sweet of you, thanks :DD have an awesome day!

thanks 😊

so cool

Thanks, greetings to you!

okey , please follow my back,
thank @viktoriyani

Good to know about this app

indeed, have a great day :)

Oh, i already follow you since a while ago :))
I would say, after you install steepshot app, you would prefer to post using it rather than using steemit, that is for me.... and yes, slowly i moved from Instagram to steepshot :)

But i don't know why it is still stuck in alpha version (web), it is already stabil, or?

don't know much about it :) LG

Hey, if this is ur first one and starts like this, would u maybe be interested to join our Curation Trail? On my profile is a link to an older post, where all the information is. If u r interested, just let us know. Those eyes r killer, by the way 👀

thanks, have an awesome day :)

About time !

aahhahahaaaa have a nice day :)

You started to find another answer at here
I wish that there will be a good result.
You look so good , my friend :)

thanks :DD cheers my friend

You are lovely.

thanks, have a beautiful day :)

Hey girl, wow, how are you?

Ow !

You are looking great here.

thanks, enjoy your day :)

you look amazing, really gorgeous.golden hair. have a great time. following you.

thanks, have a great day :)

Hello and welcome to Steemit. I'm still a beginner, I follow you and I hope you too will follow me, I'm glad to new acquaintances. I wish good luck in the development of your blog! Upvoted your post)))))

thanks, good luck and have a nice day :)

best thing about steepshot post is.. the first post probably gets an upvote from steepshot, and then, the worst thing is, there is a long long desert ahead...

ahaahhahaaa oh ok maybe, good luck to you and enjoy your day :)

Very nice photo @viktoriyani :) you look so cute :p

how sweet thanks, have a lovely day :DD

You're beautiful! have a great day!

thanks, enjoy your day too :)