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RE: Introduction About me - My Story Mohsin Ayub

in #introduction3 years ago (edited)

Hi, there! Happy to see another UX/UI and Figma lover on the network. Actually I just started a community about UX/UI design, check it here:

As this is your first post, I recommend you edit it and do the following(feels a bit short to me):

  • Add the introduceyourself tag.
  • Add some more about you and your work, like a screenshot from a project or some more text about your hobbies.
  • Find a community where to post you next posts. I would recommend mine, but as a very small one, you won't get enough rewards and visibility for your skill and efforts. So at the start try a big community and when you feel ready to contribute for developing the UX/UI one, I will be happy to see your posts there.
  • Check @ryzeonline His last post is everything you need to know at this moment.
  • If you have resource deficiency write me, I could help.

Welcome to Hive @pixelswd46 , thanks for being here!

You've already got great advice from both @brutalisti and @lovesniper , so I'll leave you to it.

(But I will say that my Hive: A Complete Beginner's Guide With Doodles post has helped a few beginners understand hive in a friendly way, so it may be worth a peek.)

Wishing you a great day!

(P.S. Thanks so much for mentioning me here, Polyxena & Dany!)