2nd Post

in #introduction3 years ago

Hi again everyone, thank you for the views as I try to get familiar with this site. My posts and content here could be short, but I'll leave you with a link to my blog site. https://stephenmedhurst.ca/2021/07/09/running-again/
Here I discuss why I run, and what it means to still be able to do the things I love. I think it can translate into anyone's life, no matter where you are in your journey. Follow along if you like, I like to create a lot off content and just enjoy life. Cheers![l0010032.jpg



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So many things to discover here.

When you have your head around it, another front end for Hive is @actifit Kinda like fitbit except the app counts your steps, you submit a report, and it posts it to your blog for @actifit rewards.

Otherwise, welcome to the blockchain! Love your message and what you bring to the community here.