
in #ita β€’ 4 months ago

// @ts-check


// ☝🏽 The line above enables type checking for this file. Various IDEs interpret

// the @ts-check directive. It will give you helpful autocompletion on the web

// and supported IDEs when implementing this exercise. You don't need to

// understand types, JSDoc, or TypeScript in order to complete this JavaScript

// exercise, and can completely ignore this comment block and directive.


// πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Hi there!


// On the JavaScript track we provide you with stubs. These stubs provide a

// starting point to solving the exercise.


// In general, each variable/constant and each declared function will have a

// JSDoc comment block above it, explaining what the variable/constant holds or

// the function is supposed to accomplish.


// πŸ’‘ Often, the JSDoc comment blocks have annotations, such as @param and

// @returns which are usually highlighted with a different color if the IDE

// you're in recognizes them. It's these annotations that are used when

// referring to the constant, variable, or function from somewhere else that

// IDEs display.


// You don't need to write these yourself; it is not expected in idiomatic

// JavaScript, but some companies and style-guides do enforce them.


// πŸ’‘ You're allowed to completely clear a stub before you get started. Often

// we recommend using the stub, because they are already set-up correctly to

// work with the tests, which you can find in ./lasagna.spec.js


// Good luck preparing some lasagna!



* The number of minutes it takes to prepare a single layer.






* Determines the number of minutes the lasagna still needs to remain in the

* oven to be properly prepared.


* @param {number} actualMinutesInOven

* @returns {number} the number of minutes remaining





* Given a number of layers, determines the total preparation time.


* @param {number} numberOfLayers

* @returns {number} the total preparation time




export const EXPECTED_MINUTES_IN_OVEN= 40;


export function remainingMinutesInOven(actualMinutesInOven) {

return EXPECTED_MINUTES_IN_OVEN-actualMinutesInOven;

throw new Error('Remove this line and implement the function');



export function preparationTimeInMinutes(numberOfLayers) {


throw new Error('Remove this line and implement the function');






* Calculates the total working time. That is, the time to prepare all the layers

* of lasagna, and the time already spent in the oven.


* @param {number} numberOfLayers

* @param {number} actualMinutesInOven

* @returns {number} the total working time


export function totalTimeInMinutes(numberOfLayers, actualMinutesInOven) {

return actualMinutesInOven+preparationTimeInMinutes(numberOfLayers)

throw new Error('Remove this line and implement the function');



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