Annalyn's Infiltration

in #ita4 months ago

// @ts-check


// ☝🏽 The line above enables type checking for this file. Various IDEs interpret

// the @ts-check directive. It will give you helpful autocompletion on the web

// and supported IDEs when implementing this exercise. You don't need to

// understand types, JSDoc, or TypeScript in order to complete this JavaScript

// exercise, and can completely ignore this comment block and directive.

// 👋🏽 Hi again!


// A quick reminder about exercise stubs:


// 💡 You're allowed to completely clear any stub before you get started. Often

// we recommend using the stub, because they are already set-up correctly to

// work with the tests, which you can find in ./annalyns-infiltration.spec.js.


// 💡 You don't need to write JSDoc comment blocks yourself; it is not expected

// in idiomatic JavaScript, but some companies and style-guides do enforce them.


// Now help Annalyn free her best friend!


* The fast attack is available when the knight is sleeping


* @param {boolean} knightIsAwake


* @return {boolean} Whether or not you can execute a fast attack.


export function canExecuteFastAttack(knightIsAwake) {

return knightIsAwake == false;



* A useful spy captures information, which they can't do if everyone's asleep.


* @param {boolean} knightIsAwake

* @param {boolean} archerIsAwake

* @param {boolean} prisonerIsAwake


* @returns {boolean} Whether or not you can spy on someone.


export function canSpy(knightIsAwake, archerIsAwake, prisonerIsAwake) {

return knightIsAwake == true || archerIsAwake == true || prisonerIsAwake == true;



* You'll get caught by the archer if you signal while they're awake.


* @param {boolean} archerIsAwake

* @param {boolean} prisonerIsAwake


* @returns {boolean} Whether or not you can send a signal to the prisoner.


export function canSignalPrisoner(archerIsAwake, prisonerIsAwake) {

return archerIsAwake == false && prisonerIsAwake == true;



* The final stage in the plan: freeing Annalyn's best friend.


* @param {boolean} knightIsAwake

* @param {boolean} archerIsAwake

* @param {boolean} prisonerIsAwake

* @param {boolean} petDogIsPresent


* @returns {boolean} Whether or not you can free Annalyn's friend.


export function canFreePrisoner(





) {

return (petDogIsPresent==true && archerIsAwake == false) || (prisonerIsAwake == true && knightIsAwake==false && archerIsAwake == false);
