It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World Except In Japan!

in #japan4 years ago


Hope you and yours are doing well. I've been back in Free Japan for a month. Yes, it's free here. Everything is open, no lockdowns, no closures other than bankruptcies and life is fairly normal, just don't turn on the news. The fear porn is real here too, despite the insanely low infections and death rates. People are still falling down drunk, just not as many. Maid cafe's are still open and the food is still amazing.

Anyway I just want to share with you some of the nice sights here. People are out, having a good time, but being responsible. Oh, and I promise to blog about that Showa cafe in Niigata next. I just need to get back into the swing of blogging and deal with a bad case of my right arm in constant pain.

The view from our hotel on the first day of snow up in Akita.
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Dinner at the hotel, at least one dish.


The other night in Shibuya.


How it started...


How it went!


Wagyu, bacon cheeseburger!


Minor Illumination in Shibuya.

The top of Mt. Shiroyama, insane views of Tokyo and Mt. Fuji.

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Lastly, seared barracuda sashimi.

Off to go shopping! Thanks for reading!


It's so nice to know that life goes on... just not here! Beautiful photos... And oh, that food! I miss nice restaurant meals most of all. Each day it seems that I hear about one more of my favorite dining places closing their doors.

Melinda, I kinda feel bad for rubbing it in. Everything is open here, life is normal despite the rise in cases. Japan is more free than the US. I am in a cafe right downtown as I write this. Crowds are smaller than normal, but it's a Wednesday.

I have been keeping an eye out on shadows too. Someday I will find the time to work on the shadow contest.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

You give me hope that the world may once again return to normal!

I hope your holidays are wonderful 🎄🎅🎄

I’m thinking about a trip near Zushi or somewhere like that...think it’s busy now? I can’t predict people lol

You take pictures a whole lot better than I do

Crowds are down everywhere, but people are still out. Problem is we are foreigners so when you go outside of Tokyo they get a bit more defensive. I'd say go for it.