Displaced by family - working from my storage room

in #journal4 months ago

Displaced By Family



Imagine this, half of 2024 is gone! It always baffles me this time of year how quickly we get through the first 6 months. Today is the first day of the rest of the year and sadly, like many, I'm slightly behind my targets and goals for the year. Time to put the skates on I think.

I basically need to ramp up productivity about 50% just to catch up haha. Last month, June, was probably to worst for me, productivity-wise. My parents have been staying over, and now my brother is here too. Having to split my time between more things (and people) has meant I've had to neglect a lot of my regular things.

Even my Hive blogging has suffered. I like to journal every day on here, but I've hardly done it at all in June. I'm hoping to change that this month, starting today.

Today I'm working from my storage space. It's sort of an outdoors space, not quite a shed, that I store things like my lawn mower and garden tools etc. It's actually not too bad in here in summer. I wouldn't be able to do this in winter, or most of autumn and spring even, because there's no heating or electricity here. That's the other thing, I rely on my computer's long battery life to get a full day's work in here. I also don't have any of my other resources, so I'm having to improvise quite a lot. What we do for family eh?

Talking of which, most of my bills went out today, being the first of the month and, conveniently enough, a Monday. It's a bigger chunk than usual. Apart from many bills going up officially, there have also been higher consumption levels of everything due to more people in the house. Time to delegate some work to my brother I think :)

Peace & Love,



It is a fact that time is passing very quickly.

Too quickly :)

You may be less productive last month but I’m glad you had more of family time
It’s my birth month and I’m really glad
I wish us the best

Happy Brith Month haha. I'm sure we'll see a post about it here