Greetings From Tornado Country

in #kentucky3 years ago (edited)

Mother Nature has a mean streak. We got a good taste of that here in Kentucky overnight. She sent us some storms yesterday evening and along with the thunder and the lightning treated us to some tornados.

Last I saw, the governor was saying that at least 70 people were dead. One tornado hit the town of Mayfield and shredded it. Here in Louisville (about 3 hours to the northeast) we were spared the worst of it. Still got pounded by the storms but skipped the tornadoes at least.


We didn't lose power here but the internet has been out since early this morning. I'm writing this on my phone which is moving along at 1G speed presently. Since it's #caturday and I can't get online with my laptop y'all are getting cat photos.


It's interesting how when something bad happens people seem to come out of the woodwork. People you haven't heard from in months or years suddenly text or call to check and see if you're okay.


The cats didn't enjoy the storm in the least but we're still in one piece. I'll post more once there's a more information. Until then, y'all keep Kentucky (and all the other placesthat got hit) in your thoughts.


If anyone is interested in donating to relief efforts this link will take you to the one set up by the governor.


Glad you're ok. Appreciate the cat photos, although I only got Tito and your marmalade kitty on my end. Gotta slip back into the woodwork, now, but I'll be in touch in the next decade.

(Seriously, though, glad you're ok, and yeah, I got a slew of random are-you-ok messages from who-are-you-agains when fox news wouldn't stop airing old footage of portland riots.)

Wait, you mean there's a time when faux news isn't airing footage of the Aunt Tifa menace?

Thanks. Lol, it wasn't until after I wrote this that I discovered the big tornado had come a lot closer than I had originally thought.

Tito and Evander appreciate your attention!

Aunt Tifa! 🤣