21 Day Abundance Challenge - Day 14 - Abundance and the Law of Dharma

✨Day 14 - Abundance and the Law of Dharma✨

Good evening my dear friends!
And congratulations for making it through the first two weeks. One more week to go! Yayyyy!
Let's keep doing the work and creating abundance. The world needs it now more than ever!

And of course I’d love to hear about your experiences with these practices.



Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Today we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center - KEY TO ABUNDANCE.

Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in the book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Law of Dharma.

When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly.

As the saying goes: “Do what you love, the money will follow.”

It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all of its manifestations that will come to you if you live your true purpose in life.

QUESTION No. 1: What brings you the most joy?

QUESTION No. 2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work?

QUESTION No. 3: How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream?


Enjoy this day, noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround you. Appreciate everything that's been given to you. The world is truly an amazing place!

Seek, find, accept and give thanks for each gift.
At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today.

Even if it was something very small.

Please watch this short video, before answering the question below.

Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn his/her lesson.

Think of examples such as helping a friend, showing your power over others, etc.


"There is a way I can fulfill my true purpose in life "


Om Varunam Nama

Om Varunam Nama


Credit: The Dream Shaman on YouTube
Please give the man some love! Abundance is best shared!

Have a beautiful day!

Thank you for reading!



Well, well, well, what do we have here? If it isn't some limiting beliefs..

I am about to repeat myself, so imma just gonna copy/paste this:

But what got me this morning was - I woke up from a dream where I had just gotten my salary from my 9-5 and it was x10 the usual, so I naturally went like - Wait, wut? That's wrong. - did a double-take, and surely it was "adjusted" back to my expectation. And that just SO drives home the fact that - the Outer has absolutely no issues providing whatever, like, seriously, anything - it is me who takes issue with the Outer and adjust it to my expectations by my limiting believes.

And yes, I do believe it is a ridiculous notion that I could just suddenly, out of nowhere, without any heads up simply receive x10 the salary, but then I have to look at WHY I find it ridiculous. What are my limiting believes around 9-5 jobs, and why I feel like Hive would moon quicker than I'd get 10x the salary? And whoever said, that 9-5 REALLY needs to be all about just slaving away at a minimal pay? What if THAT is a premise that needs dissolving too?

Well, back to business..

What brings you the most joy?

Connection to the source, mindblowing synchronicities, insider jokes with reality itself, miracles, reality breaking the forth wall and talking dirrectly to me by signs and symbols.

How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work?

By expecting, allowing and paying attention.

How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream?

I feel like that's more of a question to my subconscious.

Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn his/her lesson.

That is my one vice - helping where help is not going to be benificial. Like in the example of the butterfly, that's stright forward - don't mess with the natural processess, but say in a day to day, with regulat human beings, especially in work context, sometimes it's easier and quicker to do the easy and quick thing - to do instead of teach. Tis complicated. Because you kind of want the best, but it's not always that clear in which cases it is benificial to step in with your energy and in which is it best to just support from sidelines.

3 Paths/sources of abundance today:
1. Hive *dooh*
2. 5D connection
3. Unexpected plot-twist from the Outer
