in #learning9 months ago (edited)

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" Without dream and goals, there is no living, only mere existing, and that is not why we are here - Mark Twain"

Goal setting is an integral part that enhances learning. Show me a man who has no learning goals and I'll show you a man prepared not to go far in learning.

Setting goals the right way needs to be studied and properly understood. For this to happen, we must understand various techniques used in setting and implementing goals.

" A good goal is like a strenuous exercise - it makes you stretch - Mary Kay Ash"

Today, I will be sharing the SMART technique used for goal setting and the IMPLEMENTATION INTENTION technique.
Are you wondering what the SMART technique means and how to use the IMPLEMENTATION INTENTION technique? Let’s dive in quickly.


In order to make learning a habit, we need to set SMART goals. By SMART, we mean;

  • S: Specific
    When setting goals, we must ensure that it is specific, that is, detailed and clearly defined. Most times, because we want to write down plenty goals, we write too much that sometimes makes it unclear and ambiguous.
    The first rule of goal setting is to make it Specific by being detailed and purposeful.
    A perfect example of an undefined goal: I want to buy a car.
    As beautiful as it sounds, saying you want to buy a car without setting a timeline and other important plan and details is as good as making a wish.

  • M: Measurable
    Every goal must be measurable. They help track progress and ensure that our goals are realistic and challenging.

  • A: Attainable
    Have you heard the word building castles in the wind? Every goal must be attainable, that is, achievable. Sometimes, in the bid to set sweet and mouth-watering goals, we tend to overshoot by writing goals that we cannot achieve within the specified time we allocate it.

  • R: Relevant
    Every goal must be significant and should connect with your current circumstances and situation.

  • T: time-based
    Any goal without a deadline is a wish. When setting goals, it is important to set deadlines to accomplish them as this will help in ensuring we stay on track.
    A perfect example: I want to buy a car at the end of November 2023.

Now, after carefully understanding these goal setting techniques, how then do we apply the implementation intention techniques to ensure that we implement all the goals we set.


It is one thing to set beautiful goals and it is another to implement these goals. The implementation intentions technique is a technique used to help implement our goals using easy plans.
Below are examples of Implementation intention techniques:

  1. I will ______ at _____________ in _____________
    For example: I will read atomic habits at the library in the afternoon.

  2. If _________, then I will _______________
    For example: If I don’t feel like reading my book today, then I will listen to the audiobook.

The implementation techniques help provide useful flexible methods aimed at achieving our goals.

My Shout Out goes to my amazing kibo tutor for Optimizing your learning, Mrs. Tolu and her amazing team for giving us world class lectures.

Also, my appreciation goes to Mrs. Ope, Keno, Robb, Mr. Seun, My amazing mentor Mrs. Oyin and the entire kibo team.

Till next week, Much love❤️


I am @chosenfingers, a young Nigerian studying Mechatronics Engineering, your favourite blogger, content writer, love doctor 🤗 and friend. My main purpose here on Hive is to impact as many as possible with the right knowledge through mind-blowing, educational content. I hope my blog reaches people far and near.

Please don't forget to share on any platform and reblog. Much love😍

Discord: chosenfingers