Consumer Confidence at Record Low Right Now

There are some individuals who are planning to forego heating altogether this winter because of the high cost that they are seeing on their bills.

This is a crisis that is going to impact millions of people and causes severe health risks for those who are seriously having to choose whether to buy food or heat their homes.

It is a crisis that has been arguably largely fueled by the questionable and repetitive manipulation by few that now impacts the many. Among other issues too like the Ukraine/Russia conflict, but even that as well stems from a few individuals just the same and not the consensus of many.

Consumer confidence is at all time lows in the UK, as well as in the US, and there is widespread pain and negative outlook elsewhere around the world.

Millions of people are worried about the future, concerned whether things are going to get better, and are struggling to think things will look better for future generations.

The cost of living in some areas for a single adult has gone upwards of $3,000 per month and in most cases wages are not rising along with this inflation. Even for those who might see an unexpected raise it isn't likely to keep up where we are also seeing things like a 10% rise in food prices or a 20% rise in gas costs since last year, these fluctuate depending on the region.

In general though we know that more people are struggling as a result of the economic turmoil. Food banks and community resources are also being overrun with demand.

As more struggle to afford to feed themselves and heat their homes in areas like the US and UK we might start to see protests ignite more frequently there. This is already happening in other areas where people are starving as they crumble under the pressure of skyrocketing inflation and wrestle with an increasing cost of living that they cannot remedy. For many people it has already meant looking to move to another country altogether in an effort to try and find hope and something better for themselves.



It is not just the US and UK. I have been keeping a close eye on how the war is effecting the Netherlands. Just as in the UK, here too, the foodbanks have seen a massive increase in demand. Gas and heating prices are skyrocketing. My colleague is already paying around 180% more for gas than she used to.

This is really hitting the world badly, the price of feeding skyrocket and that makes many home stay hungry. The incomes don't worth buying things in the market.

I believe if this continues like this many people will lose there home because the cost of living is getting high

Watching it happen around here (Washington state, USA) in may different ways. What I watch with some concern is the sharp increase in what I call "bottom line staples" at the grocery store, rather than the more expensive stuff. Like the cost of a 2lb bag of rice or beans, or a package of pasta has more than doubled since the beginning of 2022... while the price of something like a dozen organic eggs *(which were ALREADY expensive) has gone up maybe 10%.

Of course, the poorest depend on the cost of things like spaghetti, beans and rice... and looking at $1.89 for a package that was often 79c on sale a year ago... that's scary.