Silver Cycles! - 17MY24 - 'Sell Cycle Update!'

in #leofinancelast month

📐 📏 📐 📏 Silvers Update! 🔘🔘🔘🔘

📈 Sell Cycle Review Chart


"Ahh'm nae sure if Ahh hav ever seen a mair picture perfect Sell Cycle maties! But thaur it is, in foo colur! Blimey whit a rin! Ahh dae hiner ye arenae missin' it?!

Thes Sell Cycle has room tae rin, an' Ahh think it will. But as aw cycles eventually dae, it will burst! Thes is wa' it is important tae tak' profit from times tae times an' build up th' auld coppers chest!
Dornt be emotional! Dornt faa' in loove wi' it, an' dornt lit yer stack git stale! Sell durin' a Sell Cycle, Hold durin' a Hold cycle an' Buy durin' a Buy Cycle an' aw will be weel! Haw! Haw!" 😉 -Keptin


🖼 Pictographic Cycle Patterns: 🗝️




🐠 🐠 🐠 🐠

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a fockin' precioos metals advisur, nur do Ahh wants ta be! Ahh'm jist a dedicated stacker in search o' hoddin silvers an' adventure! (Anyain who says otherwise is likely tae git rin- thru!) - Keptin Joshua Slane
🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔

References: - Pictures from:,,,, an' Wikipedia. Data also sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.
Hoddin: hod·den, ˈhädn - Common, inexpensive



Dornt be emotional! Dornt faa' in loove wi' it, an' dornt lit yer stack git stale!

Sometime it's time to say bye bye. You'll meet again soon. !WINE

"Haw! 'Att's bludy weel reit matie!"

Silver making some waves recently

Greetings @bitcoinman ,

It is...It is....Keptin tells us not to fall in love with it...^__^.

Here's wishing you well in the race!


NB ...his gloves are off...^__^

"Haw! Haw! Indeed, hee's gloves ur aff!" 😉 -Keptin

"Huir uv a generoos silver!" 😉 -Keptin


Greetings Keptin,

Yes very generous indeed....


"A bonnie schooner indeeds! A fest rinner!"

Time to show a silver ship. Ahh fest clipper ship.
2021 Cutty Rev.jpg

Greetings Commander,

A beautiful coin! Thank you!

"Och! Whit a brine gangin' beauty!"

Greetings Keptin,

Wise words...

Dornt be emotional! Dornt faa' in loove wi' it, an' dornt lit yer stack git stale! Sell durin' a Sell Cycle, Hold durin' a Hold cycle an' Buy durin' a Buy Cycle an' aw will be weel! Haw! Haw!" 😉 -Keptin

Able Seaman Bleujay agrees. ^__^


Upvote by Sea transactions.

"Fallow th' lines an yoo will dae weel!" 😉 -Keptin


Yes....Keptin .

Sair, Is there any hope for those ones about to walk the plank...that is especially @meesterboom, @wisbeech, and @sazbird?

Surely they can make a contribution of some kind...right. I understand meesterboom is quite popular with his crew, and wisbeech is an honourable soul, and as for sazbird....he can tell some tall tales that make one's hair stand on that is good for the crew...idk...but it could come in handy for the enemy.

Thank you for your time Keptin.

...and what about @b00m, and @freebornsociety ?

"It's aw aboot bein' present fur roll caa' an' replyin' mucker. If a sailur goes AWOL fur a week, he losses renk. Lose tay much renk an' ye donner th' plenk! It's a harsh rule, but we rin a tight ship! Aw' th' sailors know 'att! If they's dedicated, they will stay oan boord! It's nae difficult..." 😉 -Keptin

Yes...Keptin. Policy is Understood. They will be missed. Thank you for your reply Sair.


"It wooldnae be stoaner fur 'em tae makes it back on-boord..." 😉 -Keptin

Indeed Keptin....Capital notion!

You would have your hands full....would you not.

However since you run a tight ship...we would soon find out what they are made of...and if they respond, they will be the better for would be an amazing sight. Smiles...just thinking about it.


an aside...Thank you @freebornsociety .

Another aside...

Speaking with my Doc hat on to Jack the Lucky....if I may...

In looking for the particular vocables for this Hive account 'joshuaslane'....What do you think of the words...'Interactive Theater'
quite an innovative way of posting within social a way reminds bleujay of that it is a departure from the standard theatre experience...except it is even more inclusive of the audience as individuals. bleujay is giving it a think.

Kind Regards,
