Your Reputation Is Worth More Than 14 ETH

in #leofinance10 months ago

You may have read this story about a UniSwap smart contract engineer rugpulling only hours after deploying his meme coin. If you haven't here's a source:

The engineer in question is 'Allen Lin', who goes by the handle 'AzFlin'. Now, Allen Lin is a fairly generic name. According to LinkedIn, there are 600+ profiles with the name Allen Lin. But if you're an 'Allan Lin' who has a background in tech or blockchain, it's going to be hard getting past any decent background checks.

Was it worth it?

Now, the stranger part of the story is the story is that Allen remains unremorseful over the rugpull. He claims it was neutral if not a net-positive because he gained the $25,200 worth of ETH and 600 Twitter followers.

Let's think about that for a second. $25,000 is probably 3 months of an experienced blockchain developer's salary. Considering that he has a lifetime of reduced employability outside of criminal organizations, hard to say that it was worth it.

Things you can teach, and things you can't

I'm confident that anyone with a background in computer science or coding in general, can pick up the coding aspects of blockchain. It's almost impossible to teach an adult to be honest. Good on UniSwap for terminating his employment.


Yay! 🤗
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