
Same feeling as me.

Today isn't really going on cool for me

I will try to make it a special one.

Awwnnn, thank you 🤗

You can make it exciting by singing and dancing

I will not be doing that for sure.

Get #threading... we need some action!

I will be online on threads today for sure.

Wut kinda office work you do ser.

Yet have to experience office life.

The regular kind of office work where you think you are saving the world

haha, aight..

Well, I wonder how's things going in Canada.. recently got into discussion with relative saying they're offering jobs :/..

Well, there are many layers. There are jobs.

You can thread away the boredom.

That is what I am doing. I am being more active on threads today.

Same with me. It's a good day on threads for me.

let's keep the buzz


Often office time is boring for me because Mobile phone and the Internet is not allowed in our office. We are not connected with the world in office.

That's not the case here.

Are you working on machinery that doesn't allow using of phone?

How can you communicate with your people back home or when they want to talk to you in case of emergency while at the office.

In case of emergency, our families contact us on landline numbers.

I don't work on machinery. Mobile is restricted due to security point of view. Highly confidential area.

Keep threading if you are feel boring. It's the only thing you can do😅

That's true. let me try.

Boring is good, most times.

I hope so. I am having a good time.