Your Mother

in #life7 years ago

Your mother nourished you  when you were a baby and helped you walk the first steps in  this vast world we have.  Your mother sacrificed her body and time so you may stay healthy, when you were sick she would stay awake and she would't sleep until you slept. 

If you in older age become rude, arrogant and unappreciative of your mother, regardless of whatever excuse you make you will never give back to your mother what she did for you.

Hold onto your parents as long as you can because you only have one set of parents and when they are gone there will never been anyone like them again.

Tell your parents everyday that you love them and if you have fallen out with them don't leave it too late and whatever disagreement you had with your mother or father let it go (possibly you've forgotten the whole reason why you stopped talking to them in the first place).

Focus on the kindness your parents showed you.  Don't leave them isolated and alone when they get old.

Didn't they look after you and guide you, fed you and clothed you?

Our parents only want the best for us, we should want more for them than what we want for ourselves.

your mother, your mother, your mother, your father.