
It's a difficult time. Somewhat toxic as well.

I'm kind of pissed off right now. I left a joke on steemitblog. "I'll offer Justin 40 STEEM for one ounce of truth." Of course, suddenly, idiots now associate the number 4 with something I don't agree with, and converted my joke into complete trash with their petty attitudes.

I said 40 cuz that's all I had in my wallet. Sucks that I have to tiptoe around a fucking number now because of bigotry.

Yeah, I saw the joke and the following comments - trying to steer clear and get on with my day.

Would like to hear a recording of the Town Hall event, it was 2am my time :/

I already heard it.

Is it worth a listen if a recording appears?

Contrary to what you'll see written here and there, Justin did come across as a little bit more genuine than usual. I can tell the language barrier gets in his way. Nothing was really accomplished though.

Thanks. I think that'll probably do me as a summary, wasn't expecting too much progress but good to here there are at least discussions taking place.