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RE: A kick up the arse - time to focus

in #life4 years ago

Great :)

I've not met a Hiver(or ex Steemian) in a a year or two now and a meet would really boost my feeling for the project again.

I've been joining the Open mic at Natural Medicine every Wednesday and it's all Venezuelans so it doubles up as a Spanish lesson for me.

That and the Hive Cross Culture community sound like they could both help me pick up a more Spanish - thanks!


Welcome welcome, I've been working day and night on it these few weeks, I guess I feel the idea fits hive so well I can't let it not happen, I mean half of the fun I've had here is making friends with people from places I had no idea about 🙃

Yes for sure. Although the numbers are relatively small, there are folks from all over - keeps it interesting :)