We love Steem, and a beer :)

in #life6 years ago

The other day I was visited by two people you might recognize, a day discussing Steem with friends I made at Steemfest 2 last November.

The Sunday just gone, I was visited by @exyle and @bkdbkd, two Steemians 'livin off the blockchain' who were visiting Mallorca for a holiday. This photo is taken from @exyle's recent post as stupidly, I totally forgot to take any footage of the day - camera work has never been my forte :)

This was taken at around midday, a solid time for enjoying a cold beer in the heat whilst discussing all things Steem. When you are engrossed in the platform and see a bright future for this blockchain, meeting people with the same feelings just leads to non-stop discussions on many Steem related topics - we could have sat there all day and night talking about the many areas of interest, witness, bots, voting behavior, content, 'dapps', SMTs, etc - there's just so much to discuss when you have one major interest in common!

@exyle has been active since July 2016, plugging away with his content and also buying in at almost rock bottom. Hearing about the times when 100 votes gave you a post value of almost nothing really did sound brutal, and taking the leap of faith by buying in when so many were selling was a bold but great decision by him. For me, he absolutely deserves to be where he's at now, being in the position to leave the stresses of his business, and focus fully on what he enjoys. The current price is putting a little pressure on us all who've chosen to take the Steem route to freedom, but you cant blame us for trying :)

We all agreed that the current STEEM price, loitering around $1.30, is starting to look appealing again for buyers. Last December/January the price moved around 800%, and so the many who bought prior to this were obviously going to consider taking some profits. Both @exyle and I did cash out some SBD during their meteoric rise, but we also bought 5/6/7/8 STEEM for a single SBD too.

The fall in price is due to the selling of the tokens, and hopefully by those who've made good returns. What this then allows is for a new wave of investors (and of course the old investors) a chance to buy at a price that they think a good return is likely on in time. Many stocks and shares are cyclical, and the relatively new cryptocurrency arena looks like it will be too.

We are both very excited for SMTs arrive, and for me they have the most potential to really put the Steem blockchain on the map. Hivemind and Communities are very interesting but these are features for the content interface in the main - SMT though are something unique, and it's my feeling that they could 'break' STEEM away from following Bitcoin in years to come.

@exyle also runs a witness team, @blockbrothers, and one of their main contributions (apart from running a sound witness) is the Steemify app. Check out the latest blog regarding Steemify here

We discussed the difficulty in being a new witness, putting yourselves out there, and gaining votes (without buying them!) in a natural way. It's not easy, but if it was I guess everyone would be doing it and overall, I'm happy with our progress so far. The top witnesses are paid a lot, enough to pay to host an excellent set of equipment and live comfortably. This is the dream, but if @steemcommunity fall a bit short and it's the content creation / delegation of Steem Power to awesome SMTs route for me, then I'll be happy enough with that.

After talking Steem for 3 hours solid, @exyle and @bkdbkd hit the beach, while I went home for a siesta. We then met again later, with my mother and her partner to watch the England game verses Sweden. Without the Dutch presence in this World Cup, @exyle had obviously (or maybe he had no choice!) sided with the Brazilians, @bkdbkd's home country, but sadly they were knocked out the night before. I like to think they are both keeping an eye out for England this evening, as they did the other day in a bar full of very happy Brits :)

Thank you both for taking the time to visit me on the other side of the island, it was great to see you again and talk about Steem.

Hopefully we will meet again at this years SteemFest (Come on @roelandp we are itching to know where it will be!) along with hundreds of other people who are excited to see where this blockchain can take us.

Have a great day all, and come on England!




yes very soooon now. working on final parts.

Excellent! 4 'o's sounds very soon indeed!

Hey Roeland, I was planning on some trips but want to leave the dates for Steemfest, so... I hope the fest won't fall on 1-4 Nov?

Enjoyed seeing you again man! Always love talking to STEEM to anyone that can 'see' it. Hopefully we meet again soon on SF3.

Same! As others have mentioned in the comments, your knowledge and positivity is welcomed by many, including me!

See you at the festival I hope :)

STEEM = Beer
Because STEEM = Money

and Money = Beer

Because you can buy Beer for money

And because STEEM is Money

STEEM = Beer

illuminati is Beer and Beer is STEEM.

idk what the F*** I just wrote.

Me neither!

I don’t either, but I like it haha

glad you like it :D

Me neither! But you got my upvote! 😂

hehe thanks :)

Looks like you had a good day. I an happy with my December powering up but wish I had something to spare now for some more.

Meeting these guys or England winning a world cup final would have been a good day, this was a fab day!

And yes, we paddle the same boat :)

Wow!! It;s wonderful meeting. The two person is very familiar. @exyle sir is very helpful. I learned a lot about steemit, blockchain, steepshot and others because of him. You are also good writer. Have a good day. Thanks @abh12345.

I agree, @exyle spends a lot of time thinking about Steem and has a good handle on the positive aspects and potential.

Thank you @akilasultana373 :)

I voted your witness, I believe others that care about steem and steemit should do the same. I'm happy that England is still in the game; here's wishing you guys best of luck in the next 3 hours :)

Thank you on both counts @greenrun - I hope it's a great game today :)

Bright and super sunny :)

That's cool you were able to meet up with more steemians. It's fun to see how interconnected we are and how easy it is to find people who live near us.

Yeah it's great to talk Steem in person with people so enthusiastic and keen on the technology!

I thought I recognised that photograph @abh12345. 😂

Sounds like you both enjoyed your deep dive into all things Steem.

I think SMTs might be the game changer we're looking for too.

I'm hoping for a bit of a leg up by buying some too if the price drops a bit more.

I agree. Come on @roelandp and spill the beans about Steemfest 3. The further away it is the more time we will need to prepare and surely it won't be in Europe again . . . sadly. 😁

I hope you got some insider tips on moving up the Witness chain, although you probably already know them anyway.

Hope you're still getting plenty of time, relaxing at the beach. I'm planning on going again tomorrow. 😊

Roeland has replied, he was pretty prompt as well!

Do you have a buy-in price in mind? Buying in little bits seems to work well for my state of mind :)

I actually wrote this post a few hours ago, and have been floating around the pool on a li-lo ahhhhhh!

floating around the pool on a li-lo

Aw. That sounds pretty cool @abh12345. Literally! 😂

Do you have your own pool?

I was thinking when it gets to $1.25 I'm going to start buying 10 Steem a day (@exyle mentioned 10 Steem once so that seemed like a good bet).

In the last dip I was waiting for it to get below $1 which didn't happen of course.

If it doesn't get to $1.25 I'll probably adjust upwards but I don't know to what.

I've been converting my SBD a little bit everyday and powering up as I hadn't done so for weeks. I was waiting for that to go above 1:1 but decided I could be waiting forever so started exchanging it.

I really like your post about getting to 5000 SP first and then helping others after that so I've got that in my mind although I'm thinking I might delegate a small amount to @actifit.

We are very close to $1.25/STEEM, depending on which exchange you are looking at :)

I still think that powering up a little each day (buying STEEM with SBD) is a decent approach, I've been doing this for months and i'm not disappointed about missing lows. Once it's vested, you can earn via curation :)

I have a little delegated to @actifit, and didn't realise they pay their delegators, and so that was a welcome surprise. I like to support new initatives and would say they are worth a small delegation if you have 'spare'. 5000 is a great target to aim for, I hope you can make it there :)

Thanks again for the support Asher ! :)
@gillianpearce yes every delegation counts, thanks for considering this :)

Well we haven't quite made it down to $1.25 today @abh2345 but I did buy some BTC earlier by mistake. I was wanting to beat my best purchase so far and bought when it dropped to 5299.99 Euros but, when I checked, my best purchase was actually 4999.99. 😂

Once it's vested, you can earn via curation

Is that what Exyle meant when he said the more SP you have the more you earn? 😊

What a grateful moment with beer meeting @exyle and Bianca.
Your prediction was succeed. France won yesterday and wailing to see England match.

Yes I was great to catch up and chat with fellow Steemians :)

England kick off in just over 3 hours - I have my table booked and everything :)

@blockbrothers has had my vote from the first time I knew @exyle was part of a witness. Great guy and love listening to his level headed thoughts on steem & Steemit. He was also open about how he was selling SBD at the peak which I loved. Taking the high ground and letting people know you feel the price is high and it might be time to take out some profits was great.

Really cool that you got to meet up and spend time talking steem!

Yeah for sure!

He's always been down to earth and honest, even if not 100% right (but close to!), about what his feelings are on the market and other aspects of Steem and Steemit, including selling some during the crazy times around xmas and the new year.

Thanks for stopping by :)

Sadly due to when I started I was adding during those crazy times. I didn't invest nearly as much as I wanted then due to his saying he was selling so that saved me money, but still not sitting pretty on those coins bought at $5-6. That was the highest I purchased at, but still painful looking at today's prices.

Hey, dear friend, first I'd like to thank you for all that you do and for who you are. And encourage you to always be so great and caring. Secondly, @davemccoy just put out a post that made me think. So I decided to ask you to take back your SP you have delegated to me. I recently bought a delegation for 90 days, and feel you deserve to have it back. If you say you don't need it or what not, I understand, but maybe you can delegate it to some other great Steemian you know that is deserving. Your delegation back in May made it able for me to feel important and give me a sense of value here. One of the largest reasons I stuck around. I love you dear friend, and should you ever need anything, please never hesitate to ask. I will always help you any way that I may be able to. Thank you so much for all you do!

Hi John

That's very kind of you to offer, are you sure about it before I do so? There are always people who are worth nudging closer to 500 SP and so it won't be wasted.

Thank you also for your excellent work here since arrival.

I'm doing fine, and so I say yes. There are a lot of other great people out there that are probably struggling who deserve it more than I do. Thank you so much for everything that you've done so far for me personally and everything that you do for our wonderful community! You have been more than generous to me and I will never forget that. Yes, please take it back. And use it for yourself or however you deem it best used. Thank you so much Asher. Is there anything that I can do for you?is there anything that I can do for you?

Thanks John, participating and spreading the good word about engagement is plenty enough for me.

I will use the returned delegation as prizes for the coming week, have yourself a lovely day!

We love steem and beer

Yeah we do! This is a meeting obviously for the big boys. Hopefully we small boys will have a seat at the table someday

Well we are both over 6 foot tall so I see what you are saying :)

Hehehe I missed it by inches. I'm 5ft 11

Oh my god Asher, You already finished your beer glass. Only see @exyle's glass. Feel like Mark need to long time for get beer feelings. But you??????


I actually had a bottle - you can just see it in my hand :)

Oh finally I see empty beer bottle of your hand :)

Ha ha are you ready for watch England- Croatia match with beer?
Can you bet with me for 10 steem? I bet Croatia win the match :D


I will bet you 2 STEEM that England progress to the final?

No my friend Asher.. I bet you for 10 steem Croatia will win the match.
But you bet England I know.
Can you bet with me?

Cool seems you all had a great time drinking beer haha

Talking Steem, drinking a beer, eating good food, and watching England - pretty good day!

good job bro,in my side I'm along on steemit

your post is great for me like your post
by. @adit123

you are all great people in steemit, hopefully, I can be like you all. :) love steemit and love you all. :) @abh12345, @exyle, @bkdbkd, @roelandp.

We have similar taste .... Lets through some pizza in the mix and were all set. Beer .. Pizza and Steemit.

I could go for Pizza right now actually, but alas, it's a salad day :D

Just throw some lettuce on top of it and call it a salad.

Excellent article. Today I will be rooting for the English. Although, earlier I liked the game of Croatians. Let the strongest win - England.

Отличная статья. Сегодня я буду болеть за Англичан. Хотя, ранее мне больше нравилась игра Хорватов. Пускай победит сильнейший – Англия.

Sadly, we fell short!

I envy you! I am being roasted alive in scorching heat in my country and you people are enjoying chilled beer! This is not fair. Where is my beer?

Your beer is waiting, but hurry because if it starts getting warm, I may need to do the honorable thing :)

Ha ha! I am too far away. Better luck for me next time.

Hi Asher. It's great you guys met up. A midday beer sounds about right lol. We are all behind this place as we see a future so we just got to keep growing and see what SMT's will do to the platform.

I'm really excited for SMTs, they are the game-changer for me and with everything crossed - could provide boom-time for STEEM :)

Good company, no doubt!

Fine company sir!

I forget where you are in the world - any Steemians close by?

I am in Slovenia... Lots of Steem Croatians nearby

I'd always assumed USA, sorry!

How's Slovenia in July? And I presume you are against Croatia in the final?!

Oh that's just a compliment for me if you thought that. Not that I wanna be American just gave me an idea that my "English" doesn't suck too much lolz:)

The weather here sucks, to be honest, I am not against them. Sports are Sports. Let the best team win!

I love your personal posts Asher! So awesome that you could meet up and have such a conversation in real life!! I often think it would be great to do a world tour, stopping and meeting steemit friends along the way. And of course having a beer or two with all of them :)

You're totally like me; whenever I've been out somewhere cool, later I inevitably say out loud, "shit, I should have taken some pictures" haha

Now that Belgium is out, I can say, Goooo England :)

Thanks Lynn!

I must try to write a few more 'personal' ones :)

A world Steemit tour is something that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Perhaps when the market picks up again I can put this into action!

I'm so bad with the camera, and sometimes I choose to go for the memory of the photo - and then regret it later!

Boo to the football, i'm done with it now for a few years!

I wonder how many others consider the world steemit tour @abh12345? I'm not surprised you have though!

I'm so bad with the camera, and sometimes I choose to go for the memory of the photo - and then regret it later!

hahaha that is so me!!! Then I kick myself, saying, "god, why didn't I take some photos?!!"

Croatia? someone please explain that one! ;)

It looks like teamsteem and karensuestudios are already at it. I'll need a bit more SP/income to do London and Paris though :D

Croatia have Real Madrid's and Barcelona's deep lying midfield play-makers. Add to that a strong, athletic forward line, and a couple of no-nonsense defenders, and you have world cup finalists :)

I hope France beat them though!

Good for them; it would be such a cool thing to do!

Fair enough! I hope France beats them too 😅

Really awesome to meet each other like this!

Would be nice to meet some fellow Steemonians. But from most of them I really don't know where they live. So even if I would be close I wouldn't know.

It's really great to interact face-to-face with people so keen on what is going on here and with love for the Steem :)

I am not particularly fond of beer, so you can have my share. I do take all the loving for steem and steemit though.

This sounds like a good deal! The cafe also do some excellent smoothies :)

Now you are speaking my language.

Good thing to read you had a great time. the interactions because of Steemit alone are priceless in itself! Hopefully Steemfest will be somewhere in Europe again.

Thanks @s3rg3! You know these guys better than me - what a lovely down to earth couple :)

Here's hoping the festival isn't too far away!

That sounds like such a fun day! I really need to get some friends involved in Steemit. Right now when I bring it up they just look at me all squirrely like I have lost my mind.

haha, I know this feeling! I've tried, and will likely try again the next time the market is looking more favorable - i think this helps :)

Three hours of steem talk sounds like a serious one :D

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Serious but great fun and there's always things to learn!

Looking extremely relaxed - nice one guys. "Dutch-English Get-together on an island of Spain that is possessed usually by Germans :-)"

Yes on the Island, 'relaxed' is the best state of being :)

It's very multi-national here in the summer, I've seen many different football shirts to indicate the breath of nationalities - it's a good thing!

That's a nice meetup awesome steemians ;) living life in style :D

I was kind of envious of you guys being able to get together to talk Steem! I think I need to pick up and move somewhere where I can find more Steemians to discuss the direction Steem is taking...

This isn't really a popular spot for Steemers, I have to wait until they come on their holidays! :D

You got a 32.00% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @abh12345!

Sorry for asking a off topic question. But there is not really another place to ask.

Did you here what happened to a Dutch tourist on Mallorca?

I hadn't when you wrote this but have in the meantime :(

Do you as local have any idea what could have happened? Or is there already any news about the police investigation?

On Friday it was really a hot but sad news in the Netherlands. But since then it has become really quilt. So we basically only know a Dutch tourist died because he was beaten up by 5 men at a gas station.