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RE: Here's My Perspective On Pain & Suffering

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dissapoinments and failures in life is a "bitter" way of teaching us lessons for us to be something great. For us to be a better version of our previous self.

It will knock you down a lot of times, and even want you to just stay there forever.

Mentally, emotionally, and perhaps physically , it will test you.
But the keyword here is the TEST. Yes my lovely steemians and whoever is reading this.
It is a TEST. A test for you to know your full capacity in this world that we are existing now.
So dont apply Fear on this situation from time to time, rather give these moments your full capacity to adhere and overcome these challenges and never give up.

These maybe a bitter lesson given to us by the LIFE itself, but once you have conquered it, it will be the sweetest thing :)


@aceace Strongly agree all the pain and difficultie we experience in life we became the stronger as we continue face the challenges that life brings. The beter version of ourselves as time goes by.

@aceace Wow. Powerful. I love it and I agree all the way. Life is a huge TEST. We must do well in passing it.