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RE: I'm Officially Retiring from Writing Hive Posts

in #life11 months ago

I know the post is supposed to be satire and bit sarcastic, but you bring up a lot of great points about the divide between web2 and web3 social media. One of the reasons I've gotten much more bullish on web3 social media, and Hive specifically, is that a lot of the incentive structures are properly aligned. Well, at least better than in web2 in many ways.

Sure, let's make the base argument that people are here to make money. So I'm commenting and interacting with posts in the hopes of curating and being curated.

BUT - if I'm going to spend time, my most valuable resource, doing something like that I'm going to focus on areas and in communities I naturally find interesting otherwise it won't be sustainable. Even if I get zero traction, at least I would have enjoyed the content that I'm interacting with and maybe learned a thing or two.

The best part though? As you mentioned in your post, the people here are real and interactions lead to real world results. I do feel in many ways like I'm making real connections with many smart individuals that I am intellectually aligned with.

Will Hive be the one that wins out? Who knows, there are a lot of great projects out there. But Hive has a lot of great things going for it and if someone like me - a Bitcoin maxi - can work my way down the crypto rabbit hole to see the value of Hive I'm sure many others can too.


You're able to read between the lines. I'm always impressed when people do that.

It's really not bad and there's so much room to grow. Opportunities. Plenty of unrealized potential, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I'm just so sick of talking about it... LOL!