Reap What You Sow

in #life2 years ago

In life, we often get things we don't like. It confront us from now and then. But the good thing is, we had given chances to redeem ourselves. To change views in life for the better. We must learn from our mistakes.

Reaping what we sow a hundred times!

If we sow anger, we reap hatred and can be passed to the next generation. If we sow kindness, we can reap peace and abundance a hundred times.

Be carefull in every words we spoke. Always choose kindness, humility and be patience. This will make us wise. Stay away from trouble and always walk the path of forgiveness.

Do not fall in trap of heartache, emotional self pity, Always remember that life is too short to hold grudges.

Pray every now and then. Pray for things you don't have in control. Pray for them who walk mislead and carry the world in their shoulders. They should take some rest and make peace with the Lord our God.

Mourn for those in sickness and live a hard life. Pray for them that they will see the light of hope midst of their dark night.

This is the basic and foundation in life. If you give, you will be given. If you forgive, you will be forgiven. If you die, you will live. But if you choose to live, you will die. A grain of rice cannot produce more not until it will be burried under the darkness of the ground. Then it will sprout and give more. So for us human.


I think I know why you're being down voted.

The picture. Did you take that photo?

If you didn't you need to link where you got it from.

If it is then you need to show some sort of proof?