in #life6 years ago

Hello dear family been a while you heard from me,i have really missed the amazing stories i get to read here and i hope mine was missed also.
I just got back from a thirty days field work which had to deal with mapping rocks in tropical regions and trust me that was one hell of a job or did i make myself belive that.The field work done and dusted i dare say made me a better person or actually enabled me see things in a whole different light.
Back to the tittle of my post "what is your mindset?",so many times we have heard the saying "having a positive attitude brings about happiness" fine and good we all know this but sincerely how many of us has it worked for but in reality it does work for some people,then where lies the difference between most of us and this few set of people it works for.Over these past four weeks i have had time to come closer to the answer to that question.
If it is ture that one may become a criminal by association with crime, it is equally true that one may deveop faith by voluntarily suggesting to the subconsious mind that one has faith.The mind comes ,finally, to take on the nature of the influences that dominate it. Understand this truth and you will know why it is essential for yo to encourage the positive emotions as dominating forces of your mind,and disocurage and eliminate negative emotions.
A mind dominated by positive emotions become a favourable abode for the state of mind known as faith.A mind so dominated may,at will give the subconsious mind instructions,which it will accept and act upon immediately.If we agree that FAITH is the "external elixir" which gives life,power and action to the impulse of thought then a minset towards positivity is bound to help ease our journey through difficult times.I hope i was helpful.