1 Week tips to move on after a breakup

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Grieving after breaking up is a natural thing. But do not let it drag on for up to a month or even years. To help you deal with the pain after breaking up quickly, the following tips from All Women Stalk can be applied.


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Day 1: Crying

The first day after breaking up, there's nothing wrong if you want to cry all day in the room. Listen to sad songs, spend paper sheets for crying, or vent your emotions by screaming until the heart is satisfied. For this first day, be content to keep yourself, because tomorrow many other fun things await you.

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Day 2: Creating Posts

Writing can be a medium to excite your emotions. After yesterday satisfied crying, now is the time you write your complaints in the form of writing. You can write everything about what you feel today, yesterday, and your future expectations. Write in the diary every day until you feel there's nothing more to write about because you're feeling better.

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Day 3: Create a List

After breaking up, all the fun memories of her first will play in your mind. But do not let you dissolve in the past. Make a list of everything that he did to make you angry. Whether it's a small thing or a big problem that makes you tired of it. Write at least up to one full page, and look back at this list, if it suddenly appears the desire to contact him.

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Day 4: Start a New Hobby

Start doing a hobby that you usually never do when still with him. It can be yoga to calm the mind, or Thai boxing to release your emotions. This new hobby will give you a flurry, so no time to remember ex-lover.

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Day 5: Body Treatment

After tired of weeping over her, you must start to love yourself again. Do a variety of treatments such as cream bath, or spa to pamper yourself. In addition to body and mind more relaxed, this treatment also makes you more beautiful and ready to find new love.

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Day 6: Schedule a Sad Time

5 days have passed, and you still cry for it. This is natural because healing hurt is hard for some people. To fix this, make a schedule for your sad time. For example, 15 minutes each night, you can drift in a heartbreaking song, but after that, you have to get up. After all, you have another sad schedule for the next day. Do this until you feel there's nothing to cry about again.

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Day 7: Not Contacting

After a week of recovery periods of hurt, you may still contact him several times, either via SMS or phone. But on this 7th day, start to remove the media contacts or blocks. Because you will be difficult to move on if you still have access to connect with it. It may be very difficult at the beginning, but when you get through it for about a month, the desire to connect with it becomes even less.