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RE: The Privilege of Weeping for a Dog

in #life7 years ago

Thanks for reading and for the comments.
She's doing really well. I haven't read your other comment yet, but I saw you asked about CBD. We did use it, and I'm convinced it helped with both healing and pain relief. I tested to see how she'd do without, resulting in her deteriorating a bit after a couple of days. Then she improved quickly after resuming.
Now she seems fine when we don't give it to her. But I give her a smaller dose anyway, because I'm pretty sure there's still some pain and I'm convinced that it'll help her in the long run regardless.
She's recovered quite nicely. She likes to play and wrestle again and we're doing daily walks again. She is up for a good run anytime, though she doesn't have a lot of stamina. It's getting better with time though, and a couple mile walk is easy for her now, where a couple of months ago she would have been far to stressed, so we're encouraged.
Thank you again. I appreciate you reading and asking.


I am so glad to hear she's on the up and up! And hearing that the oil helped is a relief ! That's just great. I would also continue with the CBD oil doses in your situation. I bet it would help with her age and such even if she didn't have her little scare. I am definitely interested in it for my husband and I, but not being medical card holders, it seems to be difficult to find in my part of Oregon. I've followed you, I hope to see more posts from you! And about your dog, too!