
Are you another headline only reader?

No, I read all the way to the end, I just like the concept of being permanently ensconced once you check in.

Calling it Quits was, irony?

Yeah, but the comment was formed from the headline.

You misdirected the reader, and the concept of checking in and never being able to leave was formed in my mind from the misdirection, not the actual content of the post.

Ergo, the compulsion to see this concept in print irrespective of your intent.
I knew that you could never leave, even were you successful with calling it quits.

Making your headline total clickbait.
Very effective.
Look at all the engagement that ensued.

Actually, I've left for months at a time with no announcement and no plan on returning. I do enjoy entertaining though and the artwork is a healthy use of time. Came close recently to another break away from all things the internet but decided against it. The engagement and views here today I want to say are lower than average, but it's still 'early'.

So I've noticed.
I think engagement dropped off for a while, but should be coming back with the price increase.
Not that more authors are good, only so many hive in the bucket for the crabs.

Peaks and valleys.