Question 11: What actor would you hire to play you in your TV movie biography, and why?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

From October 11, 2012 edited:

I don't think I'll be famous. And I do not have a robust enough knowledge of the entertainment industry's best actors to legitimately muse over this question. Google would be my best friend to search for a facial recognition application which could, maybe, tell me which celebrity I most look like. But they'd probably suck at portraying me, too.

So I’m going to have to tell you all to just make an animated biography of me. I’ll give the character sketches, and the voice, and we’ll work from there, hmm?

Well... actually, do animated biographies exist? That sounds like it would be a lot of fun to do, and it cuts down on the amount of work (as far as exactness) because all you need is people who sound right for the parts (and do their parts well). That's much better than people who just kind of look like who they are representing in real life, and then hoping they can act well. Of course, sometimes you encounter a movie done so well that it doesn't matter whether the actor looked like they did in the "book" (and/or the character wasn't described well enough to need a spot-on character in the first place), but yeah... that's a digression.

Point is, if I end up famous, let's just animate the biography for me.

- Anya

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Tomorrow's Question:
If you died tomorrow, what would you most be remembered for?

Journal Prompts © Pyxlin


I would not know how to answer a question like that, but I suppose you did it very well. I love reading you.

I love reading the responses to these questions. They're personal and thoughtful, and sometimes reply with their own stories. It makes me think even more about the post. It's an intriguing engagement.