Question 5: What was your last dream about?

in #life6 years ago

From October 5, 2012

My last dream was about a journey into town. Well, to be specific, it was a little bit more like I was trying to solve a mystery, a little bit in a Terry Pratchett way, because I wasn’t actually trying to solve anything. There was a big mystery about me the whole time that was merely playing out as I experienced the dream-state. I didn’t get to solve the mystery.

There was a time in the dream when I actually had to slide down this really steep twisting slide, and I was quite scared to do so. The person I was with told me to hold on to the slide as I slid, which didn’t make sense until I slid a little and had a slide above me to hang on to. It’s the only portion of the dream that’s incredibly vivid though, except for the confusion I had about hanging on to the slide, of course. I remember becoming slightly conscious of my dream-state at that moment because I think I had to imagine the slide differently in order to slide down it. Lucid dreaming is an interest of mine, too, so when I realized I was dreaming, I was really interested in staying asleep (which usually doesn't work out). So I woke up.

- Anya

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Tomorrow's Question:
What seemed unusual on your morning commute today?

Journal Prompts © Pyxlin


The last dream I remember I was a corporate spy. Not quite James bond I know....

I like that better. Less risk.