
Congratulations! You killed it with the last update of your extension. Keep up the good work =)

Congratulations, i got 300 followers in the past days.
Keep up the good work

Mubarak, my friend, you deserve the best

Congrats! From my kitty to you.

My cat would probably have more followers than me on instagram. You go Armando, cats rule and humans drool. 😜

Congrats!! Your chrome extension is the best :)

Congratulations! Thanks for the chrome extension.

Woohoo followers to da moon!!

Next is 1000!

Happy to see that you have reached 500 up followers..congratulations to you, until the next level sir @armandocat..

i guess the extention is the reason for the big boost... well I have been using and loving it... so it is well deserved

You must be a programming nerd if you are celebrating 512. ;-)

Yes I am 😹

I guess you will be celebrating 1024 followers then... or should I say HEX 400?

Well, today I have 256 posts:

And the meaning of life is 42. ;-)

Congrats!!! It's very interesting how a cat knows programming and can create extensions ;-)