Mark Your Calendar #1: February Holidays and Observances

in #life6 years ago

If you are like me, sometimes I just can't seem to keep up with all the holidays and observances going on locally, nationally and worldwide.

For example, this past Friday, the first Friday in February, was designated as "National Wear Red Day" in the United States.


Here is my sweet and lovely daughter, all decked out in red on the first Friday of February in support of the awareness campaign, Heart Truth, as National Wear Red Day ® in the United States. Men and women were encouraged to wear red as a symbol of their support of women’s heart health.

As we have lost several family members to heart disease and its complications, this cause was definitely important to my family and we all wore red in support.

Our family, not unlike many others, has likewise been greatly affected by cancer. Though the actual day of awareness has passed for this year, I applaud and support this cause.

I'm not going to even attempt to list all of the upcoming (or recently passed holiday's and observances) for this month. But, here are just a few that caught my eye.



What holiday's or observances are you observing during the month of February?


Until tomorrow, all the best my fellow Steemians!

Hi, I'm Benita G. You may also know me as, or call me, @AtMemesTable.

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See you tomorrow!


Fascinating holiday idea wear red for the 1st Friday of Feb! Sorry I'm a bit late replying to this one - been super busy!