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RE: Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Final Chapter (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago

We definitely have to control negative emotions because they are the ones that can hurt us the most. In these moments when uncertainty and fear are hovering around us, it is best to keep them at a distance so that they do not interfere with our peace, which is what we must cultivate and protect. Very good the meditation that you propose, friend. I always try to say: I'm fine, I believe it, nothing can disturb me, I'm strong and I keep in peace in spite of the difficulties. Thank you for your advice and guidance, this book is a great help in the times we live in. Greetings, a hug, @ericvancewalton


Thank you @aurodivys! Those affirmations you use are perfect. Simple words are best for affirmations, something we can easily remember and recite when we need them most. I'm so excited to share the final book with you all. I'll be posting different book cover designs within the next few weeks to get feedback on. Take care and have a wonderful week!