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RE: Living Life !

in #life3 years ago

Awww.. So unfortunate that their father can not be counted on. I can't imagine how someone could neglect their own children.. what is going through this guy's head? Sounds very selfish, but then again I have unfortunately met several people, in my life, who fit this bill. It's a real shame. At least your twice the parent for the sacrifices you have made, are willing to make, and will most likely have to make in the future. Something you will never regret. You Go Girl! BEST MOM EVER! 😊



I think that he always knew that I had it covered … so he knew he never had to …. And he wouldn’t know where to begin now …. His dad wasn’t around much …. So he never had much of a father figure either …. He grew up with the mentality that … this was all the mom’s job …