With A Little Help From My Friends

in #lifelast year


Over the past five years, I experienced the most challenging times of my life. Struggling to cope with the indifference to suffering and pain by the peers of those who created the suffering and the pain, it became clear that this mentality had to have its roots somewhere. Something prevented the beings that were actually part of the problem to remedy the issues at hand. Observing how the local population treats its own, did ironically help me to not take the assaults on my own wellbeing personal. It is just how people treat people here.

Yesterday, I had this realization after an exchange with a friend in Hawai'i, that there seems to be an explanation for this "phenomenon". When people here offer You "help" - they want something from You. That is in stark contrast to the actual ideal of one human being helping another human being in need, or despair. An online friend (whom I miss very much, but have lost contact with), who had helped me when I had nothing to eat with a generous donation to get by for another fortnight, elaborated on this topic, too. He was in a similar situation as myself - a foreigner, stranger in Argentine. Although he had a way to sustain himself via online work, it was barely enough to survive the Argentine inflation and constantly rising costs for rent. But this was not the main problem for him either. The biggest issue was the mentality, the treatment of "foreigners" that do not arrive in a private jet. People like him and me. There must be a number of folks with similar experiences, but what good would it do to connect with those? Other than exchange horror stories about how non-rich foreigners are treated in the South of South America? That would not make things better. Easier, maybe, but not necessarily better, since the cause for the problems remains unchanged.

For the time I am stuck here, pondering about the causes for this kind of behavior has provided only few answers. Those, with whom I was able to discuss these issues did not have the same mindset and agreed as to what the real causes for this kind of behavior were. However, this piece is not about the problem and its causes, it is about an idea that relates to the possible solution for people all over the world sitting in the same boat.

This early morning when anxiety visited me as timely as the 4am train, a song came to my mind in all of the thoughts about what could go wrong - mainly not to be able to make it to the german embassy. Another unpaid day of work, but within circumstances that are acceptable - as this is a two way street. Tye person that couldn't pay me yet, has helped me greatly in a number of ways, so it's nothing I would complain about. The promised payment would get me to the embassy. There is a lot at stake, since I want to get out of here as soon as possible. And for that end, my passport needs to be renewed. This is another aspect of the sum of all obstacles. What one might simply forget, or not give the attention it should be given, could create gigantic problems later on. Another gift by ASD. Priorities not in order.

Back to the idea that arrived in form of the Beatles song in the head "With A Little Help From My Friends". One thing that has become transparent is the lack of help and support for those in need - whose need does not qualify for, or is being impossible to be remedied by so called "crowd funding". Any of the crowd funding platforms works only as well, as one is part of any social networking. Like myself however, there are many people who are not on any of the known social media sites. Do not have a large network of friends, or family that could help out. One should not dismiss the possibility to find oneself isolated and all by oneself - facing insurmountable obstacles in life for whatever reason. There are a gazillion of those. To think one is immune to such adverse developments could spell doom and You know that actually - by acknowledging the suffering and pain of people that had a relative peaceful existence, until whatever mayhem knocked on the door. Wars, natural catastrophes like floods, earthquakes and hurricanes, theft, disease and loss of loved ones.

"With A Little Help From My Friends" could be a network of people who know how quickly things in life can change to the worse. Understanding that, the more people see things that way - the better will the network be able to help those in need. Another important aspect would be its humanitarian weave. Truly independent from any associations, sponsors that want something in return - like the understanding, that whoever offers You help, wants something from You. But that is not unconditional help. That's more of a deal and those in need - as I have found out the painful way - are seldom in the position to provide what the help offering person has in mind. It is the "unconditional" part that is the foundation of the "WALHFMF" network. Sounds odd, but when You know what it is, it loses its oddity. The acronym that is. This "Friend" network is also not to be confused with the kind of "friends" that are using this term despite the fact, that they are likely not the kind of friend You are looking for in need. What this is about, is best described with the proverb "A Friend In Need - Is A Friend Indeed." To be a Friend in Need to another human being indeed. Unconditionally and like another well known principle coming from a work of fiction: "One For All - All For One".

How it could be done, requires some brainstorming by those who are able and willing to put this idea into a world that has become increasingly hostile to individuals that find themselves isolated and without support by bureacracies, that are actually doing everything to make the lives of humans more difficult. One of the greatest German political leaders once said "That policy, that for whatever reasons does not improve the livesof humans- can go to hell." (Willy Brandt: "Es soll sich die Politik zum Teufel scheren, die aus welchen Gründen auch immer, das Leben der Menschen nicht besser macht.") You may find that to be the case in Your own country, or You know of countries where that is a fact.

You are invited to discuss this idea, or to come up with Your own idea how such a network of unconditional help by friends of humanity could be created. As a counter current to the present descend into a technocratic world that sees all those in need as "useless eaters".

Thank You and all the best to You.