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RE: ADSactly Personal - Tell Me Your Scar Stories (And I'll Share Mine)

in #life6 years ago

One night in the same room when we were 7 years old we sleep with my head. If you needed a night, wake me up, tell me you will not find it too dark at home. I said OK. I was thirsty in the middle of the night. I found a kitchen to hold the wall and drink water. I also hit the heater next to my bed. Squeeze lightly. I used to say no. In the morning, the only thing I have is blood. bruise I am more embarrassed. this time reminds me of a wound on the right side of my eyelid. It's an interesting story but I hope you like it. :)) @adsactly


I have small scars on my knees from when I was about 7. My brother let me hold the dog and she dragged me all the way up the hill because I wouldn't let go. The stories and scars of children