[Photos] 🚈Public Transportation At A Stand Still... 🚶Time To Walk!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Good Morning Steemains,

Well maybe not too good to start off... My train into work this morning got Fu%*ed, therefor my normally hour long commute was bumped to 2 hours. Once arriving at South Station in Boston Ma (If some of you don't know) I decided to go the rest of the way on foot (Not my first time) for the final 2 miles of my commute to Cambridge Ma. This after already being on the train for a solid hour and a half, but once I made decision to walk, I thought I'd share it with all of you. The walk essentially reversed the stress of the commute and leveled me out, thank god, because there is Long day ahead, after a very long insane weekend 😏 , so although I'm now a bit sweaty 😅 I'm ready for it.









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i suggest including more pretty girls in your pics. very nice scenery :)

😂 Good idea, dint even think twice was just on the move. There were several very attractive girls on the walk , guess you'll just have to use your imagination 😉

Walking have many health benefits and it is fun.
Plus you will notice things you usually don't.

Oh I always notice 😯

Walking has many benefits to the health...Good morning

yes it does. 🏃

A walk is good to find the balance!

I completely agree! I usually run, bike, walk, and swim to find balance, all work wonders.

Bravo..very good picture when in photo.

I have to take a trip out to Boston. I heard it's a nice place to visit. Grew up in New York but only went to Connecticut and New Jersey while I was there.

Yes Boston is definitely a great city to visit, I highly recommend it. A lot to see.

Good post. Thanks

Are feeling healthier after walking, @blueorgy ?:D

this is not a bad day my friend.
a lot of wisdom gained, with this you have reached the target of 10 K steps in a day, although a bit sweaty until the place of work

It must be very tiring, but I think it's a bit of a wisdom too. Yeah, even if you have to spend a little longer, it can help you exercise a little.

Always happy @blueorgy

nice pics of lovely outdoor

Thank you!

It sucks when the commute gets so shot to hell you end up walking the last two miles. Getting to work sweaty isn't the greatest feeling.

It's always good to walk! Especially in such a beautiful city

Godddd I want to walk that streets!!!

greet post