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RE: Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Final Chapter (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago

Very nice! I actually had to block someone pretty close to me on Facebook this weekend. Okay, not block, but I unfollowed them. It was really hard going through my feed every day and just reading all of this stuff that would break my heart and turn my stomach. I know that isn't what the person is like deep down, but the stuff they are sharing and reposting is just horrible. I finally realized I can still be friends and not have to look at that stuff all day. I know I won't change their mind, but I hope one day they see the light.


Thank you! It's great that you can make the distinction between who they are and their online behavior. Many people can't do that in today's world. Some would say a person's online behavior is who they really are but don't have the courage to show in real, face-to-face life but I don't think this is always the case. Sometimes people just enjoy the dopamine hit from getting engagement on social media.

I hope that is all it is in this case. I seriously don't think they even read some of the stuff they share. It's like they are on autopilot or something.