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RE: And Life Goes On...

in #lifelast year

Haha, that jar of FUD is pretty awesome. I'm glad you shared that on the blockchain for all posterity now! That's a really great idea to have a tattoo made from the paw print. I'll be honest, this whole thing with you has been hitting me really hard lately because I know it is coming my way within the next year or two. :P


I almost walked right by those jars of FUD without noticing but then they caught my attention!

We’re going to be traveling so much these next few years I just thought the tattoo would be a good way to keep him in the forefront.

Oh man, those last few years are so tough. We thought the day was coming sooner for us when we the diagnoses from the U of M in 2019. We were so lucky to get an extra few years with him. I got up most days realizing it could be his last, especially the past few months so we made an extra effort to pay attention to and appreciate him. He got extra treats, walks, playtime and such. I feel like he was happy and suffered very little up to the end. That gives me a lot of comfort but it doesn’t make you miss them any less. It’s just never long enough.

Yeah, that is a really good thing that you got that extra time. What a blessing for sure! We try to give her extra love and patience too lately. She may have another three years, I don't know, I just know she is getting older and doesn't have as much control of certain parts of her body :P

“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog”. – Sidney Jeanne Seward

This quote just kept ringing through my head these past few years. It's so true. Enjoy her to the max!