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RE: Society Needs Parades and Critics

in #life6 months ago

Fake snow, eh? That reminds me, when I was a kid my mom would put a white blanket around the Christmas tree to simulate snow. Not much powder to be had in the tropics.

a four-year-old daughter that began throwing a tantrum

Society also needs some good old-fashioned discipline if you ask me. Is that an army truck with a wreath and candycanes on it?


Not much powder to be had in the tropics.

I imagine that you are soaking up as much as you can now. Making up for lost time.

Is that an army truck with a wreath and candycanes on it?

Yes it is. That is the interesting thing about parades. They seem to bring out all sorts of businesses and groups that are under the radar, and you had no idea existed. For instance, apparently there is a group that performs mummer plays here. Like who would think of doing that in Florida? I'm happy to hear it, but still seems out of place. Something even crazier - there is a large club of newfoundland owners in my town. I know why I've never seen them before. It's because it is too hot for these dogs to leave the air conditioning ten months out of the year. But yes, that is an army truck, and I'm still not sure if it was owned by a private group or a government entity. The guy driving it definitely looked military.

I had to look up mummer plays. I guess the whole world's a stage, eh? Also, newfoundlands in Florida had me laughing… why would that even be a thing 🤔

As a dog lover, a part of me becomes hysterical when I see a newfoundland. I'm a snob when it comes to pure breds - I strongly prefer a mongrel with social problems and a mixing of genetics that leave a lot of questions to be asked - but when you see a walking teddy bear you find yourself touching it and saying just let me love you. And it drools on you, and you don't even care. I can't imagine why they would be here, other than a Floridian visited Canada, saw one and couldn't stop muttering just let me love you and the rest is history.