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RE: Ready For The Nostalgia Steemit? - My Top 5 Favorite Sci Fi TV Shows!

in #life8 years ago

I'm glad you mentioned FireFly. I was going to mention that in the Conclusion but sort of forgot. I actually never knew about Firefly until after it was over and a co-worker told me about it and let me borrow the DVDs. And personally I just didn't like it. I can see why people would like it but I couldn't get into it. Same thing with the movie Serenity. For some reason I didn't like it but it was well liked.


I gave up watching any TV series after that was canceled.

Still my all time favorite has to be Bayblon 5.

Nice! I remember that show but it was another one that I never really was able to get into. Star Trek Deep Space 9 was the same way for me as well.